[PATCH RESEND v6 10/18] EDAC/synopsys: Drop redundant info from the error messages

From: Serge Semin
Date: Thu Jun 27 2024 - 13:36:10 EST

Currently the custom error messages are needlessly long so the logged text
gets to be printed in several lines in console. There is some
duplicated/redundant information which can be freely removed from it: drop
the message prefix "DDR ECC error type:%s" since the resultant text
printed to the log by the edac_mc_printk() method will contain the error
type and the memory controller id referring to the device detected the
error anyway; with no harm to readability shorten out the phrase "Bit
Position" to being just "Bit".

Signed-off-by: Serge Semin <fancer.lancer@xxxxxxxxx>
drivers/edac/synopsys_edac.c | 19 +++++++++----------
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/edac/synopsys_edac.c b/drivers/edac/synopsys_edac.c
index 8b7069bca600..23a2f56fcb74 100644
--- a/drivers/edac/synopsys_edac.c
+++ b/drivers/edac/synopsys_edac.c
@@ -478,13 +478,13 @@ static void handle_error(struct mem_ctl_info *mci, struct synps_ecc_status *p)
pinf = &p->ceinfo;
if (priv->p_data->quirks & DDR_ECC_INTR_SUPPORT) {
snprintf(priv->message, SYNPS_EDAC_MSG_SIZE,
- "DDR ECC error type:%s Row %d Col %d Bank %d Bank Group %d Bit Position: %d Data: 0x%08x",
- "CE", pinf->row, pinf->col, pinf->bank,
- pinf->bankgrp, pinf->bitpos, pinf->data);
+ "Row %d Col %d Bank %d Bank Group %d Bit %d Data 0x%08x",
+ pinf->row, pinf->col, pinf->bank, pinf->bankgrp,
+ pinf->bitpos, pinf->data);
} else {
snprintf(priv->message, SYNPS_EDAC_MSG_SIZE,
- "DDR ECC error type:%s Row %d Bank %d Col %d Bit Position: %d Data: 0x%08x",
- "CE", pinf->row, pinf->bank, pinf->col,
+ "Row %d Bank %d Col %d Bit: %d Data: 0x%08x",
+ pinf->row, pinf->bank, pinf->col,
pinf->bitpos, pinf->data);

@@ -497,13 +497,12 @@ static void handle_error(struct mem_ctl_info *mci, struct synps_ecc_status *p)
pinf = &p->ueinfo;
if (priv->p_data->quirks & DDR_ECC_INTR_SUPPORT) {
snprintf(priv->message, SYNPS_EDAC_MSG_SIZE,
- "DDR ECC error type :%s Row %d Col %d Bank %d Bank Group %d",
- "UE", pinf->row, pinf->col, pinf->bank,
- pinf->bankgrp);
+ "Row %d Col %d Bank %d Bank Group %d",
+ pinf->row, pinf->col, pinf->bank, pinf->bankgrp);
} else {
snprintf(priv->message, SYNPS_EDAC_MSG_SIZE,
- "DDR ECC error type :%s Row %d Bank %d Col %d ",
- "UE", pinf->row, pinf->bank, pinf->col);
+ "Row %d Bank %d Col %d",
+ pinf->row, pinf->bank, pinf->col);

edac_mc_handle_error(HW_EVENT_ERR_UNCORRECTED, mci,