Re: [PATCH v2 3/5] kunit: string-stream-test: Make it a separate module

From: Ivan Orlov
Date: Thu Jun 27 2024 - 16:52:29 EST

On 6/21/24 22:07, 'Rae Moar' via KUnit Development wrote:
On Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 1:03 PM Ivan Orlov <ivan.orlov0322@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Currently, the only way to build string-stream-test is by setting
CONFIG_KUNIT_TEST=y. However, CONFIG_KUNIT_TEST is a config option for
a different test (`kunit-test.c`).

Introduce a new Kconfig entry in order to be able to build the
string-stream-test test as a separate module. Import the KUnit namespace
in the test so we could have string-stream functions accessible.

Reviewed-by: David Gow <davidgow@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Ivan Orlov <ivan.orlov0322@xxxxxxxxx>


This is looking good to me other than the module description as noted
by Jeff. That could be a separate patch since the rest of the series
is looking good.

There is the checkpatch warning on the module description. But as
David mentioned, the description looks ok to me. If there is a new
version of this patch, it may be worth trying to get rid of the
warning by lengthening the description.

But I am happy with this patch as is.

Reviewed-by: Rae Moar <rmoar@xxxxxxxxxx>


Hi Rae,

Thank you for the review. I believe I'm going to send the V3 and add the module description there, to make the whole series as good as possible before it gets merged :)

Thank you so much for reviewing the series once again.

Kind regards,
Ivan Orlov