Re: [PATCH v5 1/2] cros_ec_proto: Consolidate ec_response_get_next_event

From: Tzung-Bi Shih
Date: Thu Jun 27 2024 - 23:01:04 EST

On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 04:53:07PM -0700, Daisuke Nojiri wrote:

Your previous patches have been applied to for-next branch:
ba098ed9829c ("platform/chrome: Add struct ec_response_get_next_event_v3")
106d67398233 ("platform/chrome: cros_ec_proto: Upgrade get_next_event to v3")

Please send incremental patches based on for-next.

> Consolidate struct ec_response_get_next_event_v*.
> Let X->Y indicate kernel X sending EC_CMD_GET_NEXT_EVENT to FW Y.
> Old->New:
> Existing kernels send a smaller container (e.g.
> ec_response_get_next_data) which may or may not fit the last few
> bytes. The FW copies as many bytes as possible to the container. The
> kernel processes as many leading bytes as it can understand.
> New->Old:
> New kernels send a bigger container. Existing FW copies as many bytes
> as it wants, leaving the last few bytes empty. The kernel knows it
> didn't receive full size data from the returned data length.
> Signed-off-by: Daisuke Nojiri <dnojiri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> drivers/platform/chrome/cros_ec_proto.c | 16 ++++-----
> .../linux/platform_data/cros_ec_commands.h | 34 +------------------

NACK, we don't do it: diverging cros_ec_commands.h and EC's ec_commands.h.