[PATCH 0/3] ALSA: update sample rate definition for eARC

From: Jerome Brunet
Date: Fri Jun 28 2024 - 08:24:48 EST

This patchset updates some sample rate definition for eARC support.
Notably it:
* adds the definition for 128kHz
* update the ASoC spdif codecs to include all supported rates, up to 768kHz
* adds missing IEC958 definition for 128k, 352.4k, 384k and 705.6kHz

On that last point, as noted in the related commit description, I'd like to
stress that I have found the definitions using a testing equipement. I
do not have access to the IEC958 specification. It would be best if someone
with access to this specification could review/ack patch #2, before
applying it.

Jerome Brunet (3):
ALSA: pcm: add support for 128kHz sample rate
ALSA: IEC958 definition for consumer status channel update
ASoC: spdif: extend supported rates to 768kHz

include/sound/asoundef.h | 6 +++++-
include/sound/pcm.h | 13 +++++++------
sound/core/pcm_native.c | 6 +++---
sound/soc/codecs/spdif_receiver.c | 3 ++-
sound/soc/codecs/spdif_transmitter.c | 3 ++-
5 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
