[PATCH v2 0/3] Summary of changes
From: iansdannapel
Date: Fri Jun 28 2024 - 11:24:23 EST
Patch 1:
- Add trion/titanium specific compatibles
- done gpio renamed to cdone, as referred in the datasheet
- reset gpio renamed to creset, as referred in the datasheet
- removed fpga_mgr_states from the context struct of the low-level module
[attached: v2-0001-fpga-Add-Efinix-Trion-Titanium-serial-SPI-program.patch]
Patch 2:
- corrected examples compatible/reg/others order
- fixed 'make dt_binding_check'
[attached: v2-0002-dt-bindings-fpga-Add-Efinix-serial-SPI-programmin.patch]
Patch 3:
- renamed prefix to "efinix"
[attached: v2-0003-dt-bindings-vendor-prefix-Add-prefix-for-Efinix-I.patch]
Signed-off-by: Ian Dannapel <iansdannapel@xxxxxxxxx>