Re: [PATCH v3 31/38] x86/resctrl: resctrl_exit() teardown resctrl but leave the mount point

From: Reinette Chatre
Date: Fri Jun 28 2024 - 12:54:15 EST

Hi James,

On 6/14/24 8:00 AM, James Morse wrote:
resctrl_exit() was intended for use when the 'resctrl' module was unloaded.
resctrl can't be built as a module, and the kernfs helpers are not exported
so this is unlikely to change. MPAM has an error interrupt which indicates
the MPAM driver has gone haywire. Should this occur tasks could run with
the wrong control values, leading to bad performance for impoartant tasks.

impoartant -> important

The MPAM driver needs a way to tell resctrl that no further configuration
should be attempted.

Using resctrl_exit() for this leaves the system in a funny state as
resctrl is still mounted, but cannot be un-mounted because the sysfs
directory that is typically used has been removed. Dave Martin suggests
this may cause systemd trouble in the future as not all filesystems
can be unmounted.

Add calls to remove all the files and directories in resctrl, and
remove the sysfs_remove_mount_point() call that leaves the system
in a funny state. When triggered, this causes all the resctrl files
to disappear. resctrl can be unmounted, but not mounted again.

I am not familiar with these flows so I would like to confirm ...
In this scenario the resctrl filesystem will be unregistered, are
you saying that it is possible to unmount a filesystem after it has
been unregistered?
