Re: [PATCH v3 37/38] x86/resctrl: Move the filesystem bits to headers visible to fs/resctrl

From: Reinette Chatre
Date: Fri Jun 28 2024 - 13:05:03 EST

Hi James,

On 6/14/24 8:00 AM, James Morse wrote:
Once the filesystem parts of resctrl move to fs/resctrl, it cannot rely
on definitions in x86's internal.h.

Move definitions in internal.h that need to be shared between the
filesystem and architecture code to header files that fs/resctrl can

Doing this separately means the filesystem code only moves between files
of the same name, instead of having these changes mixed in too.

Co-developed-by: Dave Martin <Dave.Martin@xxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Dave Martin <Dave.Martin@xxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: James Morse <james.morse@xxxxxxx>
Tested-by: Peter Newman <peternewman@xxxxxxxxxx>
Tested-by: Shaopeng Tan <tan.shaopeng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

"----" -> "---" to prevent following text from being included in changelog.
