Re: [PATCH RFC 2/2] docs: media: Debugging guide for the media subsystem
From: Adrian Larumbe
Date: Fri Jun 28 2024 - 15:09:28 EST
Hi Sebastian,
On 29.05.2024 18:22, Sebastian Fricke wrote:
> Create a guides section for all documentation material, that isn't
> strictly related to a specific piece of code.
> Provide a guide for developers on how to debug code with a focus on the
> media subsystem. This document aims to provide a rough overview over the
> possibilities and a rational to help choosing the right tool for the
> given circumstances.
Just like you, I'm not an English native speaker myself, so sometimes I make
style mistakes that only seem obvious to someone whose native tongue is English.
What I do in the case of documentation patches is running the whole thing
through languagetool ( It's LGPL and I suppose
some vim versions might have a plugin that lets you interface with it from
within the buffer you're editing. On my side, when running it on the previous
paragraph, it showed the following warning:
[ADVISE_VBG[3] premium: false] The verb ‘help’ is used with an infinitive. -> (to choose, choose)
> Signed-off-by: Sebastian Fricke <sebastian.fricke@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> Documentation/media/guides/debugging_issues.rst | 477 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Documentation/media/guides/index.rst | 11 +
> Documentation/media/index.rst | 1 +
> 3 files changed, 489 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/Documentation/media/guides/debugging_issues.rst b/Documentation/media/guides/debugging_issues.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..8fee749e7e6a
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/Documentation/media/guides/debugging_issues.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
> +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
I've noticed you've included the licence header in all your files. I also
noticed though that Documentation/gpu/index.rst doesn't have it. I suppose it
might've become a requiremente after that file was first submitted, but I'm not
sure so I guess it's best to ask you directly.
> +.. include:: <isonum.txt>
> +
> +===================================================
> +Debugging and tracing in the media subsystem
> +===================================================
> +
> +This document serves as a starting point and lookup for debugging device
> +drivers in the media subsystem.
> +
> +.. contents::
> + :depth: 3
> +
> +General debugging advice
> +========================
> +
> +Depending on the issue, a different set of tools is available to track down the
> +problem or even to realize whether there is one in the first place.
> +
> +As a first step you have to figure out what kind of issue you want to debug.
> +Depending on the answer, your methodology and choice of tools may vary.
> +Some typical issues are listed below. The list is not exhaustive.
I've noticed a lot of the information in this guide isn't specific to the Media
subsystem. Isn't there a chance that you might be reduplicating this
information? I guess a lot of it could fit into some sort of 'general driver
debugging techniques' file, although I'm not sure where that would fit into the
documentation hierarchy.
> +What is the issue?
> +------------------
> +1. Driver doesn't behave as expected
> +
> + TBD
> +
> +2. Running out of memory
> +
> + In this case you should use `Linux CLI tools <linux-tools_>`_ first to verify
> + whether the issue stems from the Kernel or from userspace.
> +
> + TBD
> +
> +3. Kernel panic
> +
> + The kernel provides a number of `tools <kernel_panic_analysis_tools_>`_ to
> + analyse a Kernel panic, use these first, once you have identified where the
> + error occurs you can further analyse the issue by adding `debug logs <Printk
> + & friends_>`_ to the codebase.
> +
> +4. Device doesn't probe
> +
> + TBD
> +
> +5. Driver too slow
> +
> + You should start with a `performance analysis <performance>`__, to pin down the problem area.
> +
> +Is timing a factor?
> +-------------------
> +
> +It is important to understand if the problem you want to debug manifests itself
> +consistently (i.e. given a set of inputs you always get the same, incorrect
> +output), or inconsistently. If it manifests itself inconsistently, some timing
> +factor might be at play. If inserting delays into the code does change the
> +behavior, then quite likely timing is a factor.
> +
> + In this case using a simple `printk`_ won't work, a similar alternative is
> + too use `trace_printk`_, which logs the debug messages to the trace file
> + instead of the kernel log.
> +
> +Do I have root access to the system?
> +------------------------------------
> +
> +Are you easily able to replace the module in question or to install a new kernel?
> +
> +TBD
> +
> +.. _live_debug:
> +
> +Do I need to debug on a live system?
> +------------------------------------
> +
> +When the kernel is compiled with `Ftrace`_, this tool might be a good start, as you can trace specific functions to dial down to the sequence of actions that causes the misbehavior.
> +
> +TBD
> +
> +Is the outcome flaky?
> +---------------------
> +
> +We will call the outcome "flaky" if multiple iterations of the same routine with the same parameters result in different outcomes.
> +
> +TBD
> +
> +Available tools
> +===============
> +
> +Printk & friends
> +----------------
> +
> +These are derivatives of printf() with varying destination and support for being dynamically turned on or off, or lack thereof.
> +
> +.. _printk:
> +
> +**Simple printk**
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +The classic, this can be used to great effect for quick and dirty development
> +of new modules or to extract arbitrary necessary data for troubleshooting.
> +
> +Prerequisite: `CONFIG_PRINTK` (usually enabled by default)
> +
> +**Pros**:
> +
> +- No need to learn anything, simple to use
> +- Easy to modify exactly to your needs (formatting of the data (See: `format specifiers <../../core-api/printk-formats.html#printk-specifiers>`__), visibility in the log)
> +- Can cause delays in the execution of the code (beneficial to confirm whether timing is a factor)
> +
> +**Cons**:
> +
> +- Requires rebuilding the kernel/module, (See: `live_debug`_)
> +- Can cause delays in the execution of the code
> +
> +`Full documentation <../../core-api/printk-basics.rst>`__
> +
> +.. _trace_printk:
> +
> +**Trace_printk**
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +Prerequisite: `CONFIG_DYNAMIC_FTRACE` & `#include <linux/ftrace.h>`
> +
> +A tiny bit less comfortable to use than `printk`_, because you will have to
> +read the messages from the trace file (See: `Reading the ftrace log`_ instead
> +of from the kernel log, but very useful when printk adds unwanted delays into
> +the code execution, causing issues to be flaky or hidden.)
> +
> +If the processing of this still causes timing issues then you can try `trace_puts()`.
> +
> +`Full Documentation <../../driver-api/basics.html#c.trace_printk>`__
> +
> +**dev_dbg / v4l2_dbg**
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +- Difference between both?
> +
> + - v4l2_dbg utilizes v4l2_printk under the hood, which further uses printk directly, thus it cannot be targeted by dynamic debug
> + - dev_dbg can be targeted by dynamic debug
> + - v4l2_dbg has a more specific prefix format for the media subsystem, while dev_dbg only highlights the driver name and the location of the log
> +
> +**The dev_debug module parameter**
> +
> +Every video device provides a `dev_debug` parameter, which allows to get further insights into the IOCTLs in the background.
> +
> +`Full documentation <../../driver-api/media/v4l2-dev.html#video-device-debugging>`__
> +
> +**When is it appropriate to leave a debug print in the code?**
> +
> +Permanent debug statements have to be useful for a developer to troubleshoot
> +why the driver misbehaves. Judging that is a bit more of an art than a
> +science, but some guidelines are in the `Coding style guide
> +<../../process/coding-style.html#printing-kernel-messages>`__)
> +
> +**Custom printk**
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +Example:
> +::
> +
> + #define core_dbg(fmt, arg...) do { \
> + if (core_debug) \
> + printk(KERN_DEBUG pr_fmt("core: " fmt), ## arg); \
> + } while (0)
> +
> +**When should you do this?**
> +
> +It is better to just use a `pr_debug()`, which can later be turned on/off with
> +dynamic debug. Additionally, a lot of drivers activate these prints via a
> +variable like `core_debug` set by a module parameter. However, Module
> +parameters `are not recommended anymore
> +<>`_.
> +
> +Dynamic debug
> +-------------
> +
> +Mechanism to filter what ends up in the kernel log by dis-/en-abling log
> +messages.
> +
> +Prerequisite: `CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG`
> +
> +.. _valid_dyndbg_prints:
> +
> +Dynamic debug is only able to target:
> +
> +- `pr_debug()`
> +- `dev_dbg()`
> +- `print_hex_dump_debug()`
> +- `print_hex_dump_bytes()`
> +
> +Therefore the usability of this tool is quite limited in the media subsystem,
> +because, as of now, there is no uniform rule for adding debug prints to the codebase,
> +resulting in a variety of ways these prints are implemented.
> +
> +Also, note that most debug statements are implemented as a variation of
> +`dprintk`, which have to be activated via a parameter in respective module,
> +dynamic debug is unable to do that step for you.
> +
> +Here is one example, that enables all available `pr_debug()`'s within the file:
> +::
> +
> + $ alias ddcmd='echo $* > /proc/dynamic_debug/control'
> + $ ddcmd '-p; file v4l2-h264.c +p'
> + $ grep =p /proc/dynamic_debug/control
> + drivers/media/v4l2-core/v4l2-h264.c:372 [v4l2_h264]print_ref_list_b =p "ref_pic_list_b%u (cur_poc %u%c) %s"
> + drivers/media/v4l2-core/v4l2-h264.c:333 [v4l2_h264]print_ref_list_p =p "ref_pic_list_p (cur_poc %u%c) %s\n"
> +
> +**When should you use this over** `Ftrace`_ **?**
> +
> +- When the code contains one of the :ref:`valid print statements <valid_dyndbg_prints_>`_ or when you have added multiple pr_debug() statements during development
> +- When timing is not an issue, meaning if multiple `pr_debug()` statements in the code won't cause delays
> +- When you care more about receiving specific log messages than tracing the pattern of how a function is called
> +
> +`Full documentation <../../admin-guide/dynamic-debug-howto.rst>`__
> +
> +Ftrace
> +------
> +
> +Prerequisite: `CONFIG_DYNAMIC_FTRACE`
> +
> +Trace whenever the `rkvdec_try_ctrl` function is called
> +::
> +
> + $ cd /sys/kernel/tracing
> + $ echo function > /sys/kernel/tracing/current_tracer
> + $ echo rkvdec_try_ctrl > set_ftrace_filter
> + $ echo 1 > tracing_on
> + $ cat trace
> + h264parse0:sink-6359 [001] ...1. 172714.547523: rkvdec_try_ctrl <-try_or_set_cluster
> + h264parse0:sink-6359 [005] ...1. 172714.567386: rkvdec_try_ctrl <-try_or_set_cluster
> +
> +Find out from where the calls originate
> +::
> +
> + $ echo 1 > options/func_stack_trace
> + h264parse0:sink-6715 [002] ..... 172837.967762: rkvdec_try_ctrl <-try_or_set_cluster
> + h264parse0:sink-6715 [002] ..... 172837.967773: <stack trace>
> + => rkvdec_try_ctrl
> + => try_or_set_cluster
> + => try_set_ext_ctrls_common
> + => try_set_ext_ctrls
> + => v4l2_s_ext_ctrls
> + => v4l_s_ext_ctrls
> + ...
> + h264parse0:sink-6715 [004] ..... 172837.985747: rkvdec_try_ctrl <-try_or_set_cluster
> + h264parse0:sink-6715 [004] ..... 172837.985750: <stack trace>
> + => rkvdec_try_ctrl
> + => try_or_set_cluster
> + => v4l2_ctrl_request_setup
> + => rkvdec_run_preamble
> + => rkvdec_h264_run
> + => rkvdec_device_run
> + ...
> +
> +Trace the children of a function call and show the return values (requires config `FUNCTION_GRAPH_RETVAL`)
> +::
> +
> + echo function_graph > current_tracer
> + echo rkvdec_h264_run > set_graph_function
> + echo 4 > max_graph_depth
> + echo do_interrupt_handler mutex_* > set_graph_notrace
> + echo 1 > options/funcgraph-retval
> + ...
> + 4) | rkvdec_h264_run [rockchip_vdec]() {
> + 4) | v4l2_ctrl_find [videodev]() {
> + ...
> + 4) | rkvdec_run_preamble [rockchip_vdec]() {
> + 4) 4.666 us | v4l2_m2m_next_buf [v4l2_mem2mem](); /* = 0xffff000005782000 */
> + ...
> + 4) | v4l2_ctrl_request_setup [videodev]() {
> + 4) 4.667 us | media_request_object_find [mc](); /* = 0xffff000005e3aa98 */
> + 4) 1.750 us | find_ref [videodev](); /* = 0xffff00000833b2a0 */
> + ...
> + 4) 1.750 us | v4l2_m2m_buf_copy_metadata [v4l2_mem2mem](); /* = 0x0 */
> + 4) ! 114.333 us | } /* rkvdec_run_preamble [rockchip_vdec] = 0x0 */
> + 4) 2.334 us | v4l2_h264_init_reflist_builder [v4l2_h264](); /* = 0x3e */
> + ...
> + 4) | v4l2_h264_build_b_ref_lists [v4l2_h264]() {
> + ...
> + 4) | rkvdec_run_postamble [rockchip_vdec]() {
> + ...
> + 4) ! 444.208 us | } /* rkvdec_h264_run [rockchip_vdec] = 0x0 */
> +
> +**Reading the ftrace log**
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +The `trace` file can be read just like any other file (`cat`, `tail`, `head`,
> +`vim`, etc.), the size of the file is limited by the `buffer_size_kb` (``echo
> +1000 > buffer_size_kb``). The `trace_pipe` will behave similar to the `trace`
> +file, but whenever you read from the file the content is consumed.
> +
> +**Kernelshark**
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +`Kernelshark documentation <>`_
> +
> +`Full documentation <../../trace/ftrace.rst>`__
> +
> +DebugFS
> +-------
> +
> +Prerequisite: `CONFIG_DEBUG_FS` & `#include <linux/debugfs.h>`
> +
> +DebugFS differs from the other approaches of debugging, as it doesn't write messages to the kernel log nor add traces to the code. Instead it allows the developer to handle a set of files.
> +With these files you can either store values of variables or make register/memory dumps or you can make these files writable and modify values/settings in the driver.
> +Possible use-cases among others:
> +
> +- Store register values
> +- Keep track of variables
> +- Store errors
> +- Store settings
> +- Toggle a setting like debug on/off
> +- Error injection
> +
> +This is especially useful, when the size of a data dump would be hard to digest as
> +part of the general kernel log (for example when dumping raw bitstream data) or
> +when you are not interested in all the values all the time, but with the
> +possibility to inspect them.
> +
> +The general idea is:
> +
> +- Create a directory during probe (`struct dentry *parent = debugfs_create_dir("my_driver", NULL);`)
> +- Create a file (`debugfs_create_u32("my_value", 444, parent, &my_variable);`)
> +
> + - In this example the file is found in `/sys/kernel/debug/my_driver/my_value` (with read permissions for user/group/all)
> + - any update of `my_variable` will update the value in the file
> +
> +- Clean up the folder when removing the device (`debugfs_remove_recursive(parent);`)
> +
> +`Full documentation <../../filesystems/debugfs.rst>`__
> +
> +Perf & alternatives
> +-------------------
> +
> +The tools mentioned above provide ways to inspect kernel code, results, variable values, etc.
> +Sometimes you have to find out first where to look and for those cases a box of performance tracking tools can help you to frame the issue.
> +
> +.. _performance:
> +
> +**Why should you do a performance analysis?**
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +A performance analysis is a good first step when among other reasons:
> +
> +- you cannot define the issue
> +- you do not know where it occurs
> +- the running system should not be interrupted or it is a remote system, where you cannot install a new module/kernel
> +
> +.. _linux-tools:
> +
> +**How to do a simple analysis with linux tools?**
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +For the start of a performance analysis, you can start with the usual tools like:
> +
> +- `top` / `htop` / `atop` (*get an overview of the system load, see spikes on specific processes*)
> +- `mpstat -P ALL` (*look at the load distribution among CPUs*)
> +- `iostat -x` (*observe input and output devices utilization and performance*)
> +- `vmstat` (*overview of memory usage on the system*)
> +- `pidstat` (*similar to* `vmstat` *but per process, to dial it down to the target*)
> +- `strace -tp $PID` (*once you know the process, you can figure out how it communicates with the Kernel*)
> +
> +These should help to figure out restrict the areas to look at sufficiently.
> +
> +**Diving deeper with perf**
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +The **perf** tool provides a series of metrics and events to further dial down on issues.
> +
> +Prerequisite: TBD
> +
> +Gather statistics data for a decoding job: (This example is on a RK3399 SoC with the rkvdec codec driver using the `fluster test suite <>`__)
> +::
> +
> + perf stat -d python3 run -d GStreamer-H.264-V4L2SL-Gst1.0 -ts JVT-AVC_V1 -tv AUD_MW_E -j1
> + ...
> + Performance counter stats for 'python3 run -d GStreamer-H.264-V4L2SL-Gst1.0 -ts JVT-AVC_V1 -tv AUD_MW_E -j1 -v':
> +
> + 7794.23 msec task-clock:u # 0.697 CPUs utilized
> + 0 context-switches:u # 0.000 /sec
> + 0 cpu-migrations:u # 0.000 /sec
> + 11901 page-faults:u # 1.527 K/sec
> + 882671556 cycles:u # 0.113 GHz (95.79%)
> + 711708695 instructions:u # 0.81 insn per cycle (95.79%)
> + 10581935 branches:u # 1.358 M/sec (15.13%)
> + 6871144 branch-misses:u # 64.93% of all branches (95.79%)
> + 281716547 L1-dcache-loads:u # 36.144 M/sec (95.79%)
> + 9019581 L1-dcache-load-misses:u # 3.20% of all L1-dcache accesses (95.79%)
> + <not supported> LLC-loads:u
> + <not supported> LLC-load-misses:u
> +
> + 11.180830431 seconds time elapsed
> +
> + 1.502318000 seconds user
> + 6.377221000 seconds sys
> +
> +The availability of events and metrics depends on the system you are running.
> +
> +`Full documentation <>`__
> +
> +**Perfetto**
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +TBD
> +
> +.. _error_checking:
> +
> +KASAN, UBSAN, lockdep and other error checkers
> +----------------------------------------------
> +
> +TBD
> +
> +.. _kernel_panic_analysis_tools:
> +
> +Kernel panic analysis tools
> +---------------------------
> +
> + To analyse the crash dump please use `Kdump` & `Kexec`.
> +
> + TBD
> +
> + `Full documentation <../../admin-guide/kdump/kdump.rst>`__
> +
> + In order to find the corresponding line in the code you can use `faddr2line
> + <>`__, note
> + that you need to enable `CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO` for that to work.
> +
> + An alternative to using `faddr2line` is the use of `objdump` (and it's
> + derivatives for the different platforms like `aarch64-linux-gnu-objdump`),
> + take this line as an example:
> +
> + `[ +0.000240] rkvdec_device_run+0x50/0x138 [rockchip_vdec]`.
> +
> + We can find the corresponding line of code by executing:
> + ::
> +
> + aarch64-linux-gnu-objdump -dS drivers/staging/media/rkvdec/rockchip-vdec.ko | grep rkvdec_device_run\>: -A 40
> + 0000000000000ac8 <rkvdec_device_run>:
> + ac8: d503201f nop
> + acc: d503201f nop
> + {
> + ad0: d503233f paciasp
> + ad4: a9bd7bfd stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!
> + ad8: 910003fd mov x29, sp
> + adc: a90153f3 stp x19, x20, [sp, #16]
> + ae0: a9025bf5 stp x21, x22, [sp, #32]
> + const struct rkvdec_coded_fmt_desc *desc = ctx->coded_fmt_desc;
> + ae4: f9411814 ldr x20, [x0, #560]
> + struct rkvdec_dev *rkvdec = ctx->dev;
> + ae8: f9418015 ldr x21, [x0, #768]
> + if (WARN_ON(!desc))
> + aec: b4000654 cbz x20, bb4 <rkvdec_device_run+0xec>
> + ret = pm_runtime_resume_and_get(rkvdec->dev);
> + af0: f943d2b6 ldr x22, [x21, #1952]
> + ret = __pm_runtime_resume(dev, RPM_GET_PUT);
> + af4: aa0003f3 mov x19, x0
> + af8: 52800081 mov w1, #0x4 // #4
> + afc: aa1603e0 mov x0, x22
> + b00: 94000000 bl 0 <__pm_runtime_resume>
> + if (ret < 0) {
> + b04: 37f80340 tbnz w0, #31, b6c <rkvdec_device_run+0xa4>
> + dev_warn(rkvdec->dev, "Not good\n");
> + b08: f943d2a0 ldr x0, [x21, #1952]
> + b0c: 90000001 adrp x1, 0 <rkvdec_try_ctrl-0x8>
> + b10: 91000021 add x1, x1, #0x0
> + b14: 94000000 bl 0 <_dev_warn>
> + *bad = 1;
> + b18: d2800001 mov x1, #0x0 // #0
> + ...
> +
> +
> + To find the matching line we just have to add `0x50` (from
> + `rkvdec_device_run+0x50`) to `0xac8` (from `0000000000000ac8
> + <rkvdec_device_run>:`), which yields `0xb18` corresponding with `*bad = 1`.
> +
> +**Copyright** |copy| 2024 : Collabora
> diff --git a/Documentation/media/guides/index.rst b/Documentation/media/guides/index.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..0008966c0862
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/Documentation/media/guides/index.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
> +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
> +
> +============
> +Media Guides
> +============
> +
> +.. toctree::
> + :caption: Table of Contents
> + :maxdepth: 1
> +
> + debugging_issues
> diff --git a/Documentation/media/index.rst b/Documentation/media/index.rst
> index d056a9e99dca..5461876fc401 100644
> --- a/Documentation/media/index.rst
> +++ b/Documentation/media/index.rst
> @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Media Subsystem Documentation
> .. toctree::
> :maxdepth: 2
> + guides/index
> ../userspace-api/media/index
> ../driver-api/media/index.rst
> ../admin-guide/media/index
> --
> 2.25.1
Adrian Larumbe