Re: [PATCH v9 0/6] Add Tegra241 (Grace) CMDQV Support (part 1/2)

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Fri Jun 28 2024 - 15:26:31 EST


> NVIDIA's Tegra241 (Grace) SoC has a CMDQ-Virtualization (CMDQV) hardware
> that extends standard ARM SMMUv3 to support multiple command queues with
> virtualization capabilities. Though this is similar to the ECMDQ in SMMU
> v3.3, CMDQV provides additional Virtual Interfaces (VINTFs) allowing VMs
> to have their own VINTFs and Virtual Command Queues (VCMDQs). The VCMDQs
> can only execute a limited set of commands, mainly invalidation commands
> when exclusively used by the VMs, compared to the standard SMMUv3 CMDQ.

Text is block-aligned without duplicated spaces. How did you do

Anyway, it looks great.

Best regards,

People of Russia, stop Putin before his war on Ukraine escalates.

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