Re: [PATCH v3] Staging: rtl8192e: rtllib_rx: fix alignment

From: Yusef Aslam
Date: Sun Jun 30 2024 - 04:31:55 EST

Philipp Hortmann <philipp.g.hortmann@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On 6/30/24 01:54, Bagas Sanjaya wrote:
>> Authentication issues?
>> Confused...
> Hi Yusef,


> I use gmail. There I have 2-factor authentication enabled. I am
sending my patches in via mutt. To be able to use mutt I have to create
a app-password especially for mutt. I have no clue if you need to do
something similar for I recommend to use gmail for sending
in patches.

I was having issues like:
msmtp: envelope from address yaslam not accepted by the server
msmtp: server message: 501 5.1.7 Invalid address
msmtp: could not send mail (account outlook from

Even though everything in the msmtp config file was correct.

I created an app password for outlook and used that in msmtp, but it
still didn't work and from what I have read outlook is phasing out app
passwords so using msmtp with outlook will be impossible. What did work
though is not using msmtp and setting the SMTP server and password
directly in the .gitconfig . But as I mentioned outlook is phasing out
app passwords so this will not be possible aswell.

But when I sent using my gmail account through msmtp it worked
perfectly. So I think I will use my gmail address from now on to send
to the mailing list.

My GMail address is: yaslam0x1@xxxxxxxxx

> Feel free to write to me directly for further questions.

Ok, thank you.

> Bye Philipp