[PATCH 0/2] nvmet: support polling task for RDMA and TCP
From: Ping Gan
Date: Mon Jul 01 2024 - 03:44:57 EST
When running nvmf on SMP platform, current nvme target's RDMA and
TCP use kworker to handle IO. But if there is other high workload
in the system(eg: on kubernetes), the competition between the
kworker and other workload is very radical. And since the kworker
is scheduled by OS randomly, it's difficult to control OS resource
and also tune the performance. If target support to use delicated
polling task to handle IO, it's useful to control OS resource and
gain good performance. So it makes sense to add polling task in
rdma-rdma and rdma-tcp modules.
Ping Gan (2):
nvmet-rdma: add polling cq task for nvmet-rdma
nvmet-tcp: add polling task for nvmet-tcp
drivers/nvme/target/rdma.c | 331 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
drivers/nvme/target/tcp.c | 356 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2 files changed, 665 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)