Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] RAS/AMD/ATL: Translate normalized to system physical addresses using PRM

From: Borislav Petkov
Date: Mon Jul 01 2024 - 12:59:57 EST

On Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 11:43:35AM -0500, John Allen wrote:
> This is because the spec defines different param buffer structures for
> different types of translation. We can call this just param_buffer for
> now, but would need to be renamed if/when we add use cases for the other
> translation handlers. My preference would be to sort of future-proof
> the name now, but I don't have an issue calling it param_buffer now and
> changing it later if that's what you'd prefer.


* PRM parameter buffer - normalized to system physical address, as described
* in the section "PRM Parameter Buffer" in the aforementioned spec.
struct norm_to_spa_param_buf {
} __packed;

and you'll have to mention the spec in the prm.c file, at the top.

This way readers can immediately map it to the place in the spec.

