Re: [RFC] staging: nvec: cannot configure to compile driver for testing

From: Philipp Hortmann
Date: Mon Jul 01 2024 - 15:26:56 EST

On 7/1/24 04:13, Ágatha Isabelle Chris Moreira Guedes wrote:

On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 12:37:53PM GMT, Philipp Hortmann wrote:
When start make menuconfig

and search with / for NVEC I can see:

Symbol: MFD_NVEC [=n]
Type : tristate

Defined at
Prompt: NV Tegra Embedded Controller SMBus Interface
Depends on: STAGING [=y] && I2C [=y] && GPIOLIB [=y] && ARCH_TEGRA

-> Device Drivers (2)
-> Staging drivers (STAGING [=y])
-> NV Tegra Embedded Controller SMBus Interface (MFD_NVEC [=n])
Selects: MFD_CORE [=y]

But I cannot jump or go into "NV Tegra Embedded Controller SMBus Interface"

Have you checked whether you have its dependencies enabled?

It seems like you have STAGING, I2C and GPIOLIB, but not ARCH_TEGRA.

Is your kernel configured for the right architecture? Are you using
ARCH=arm environment variable? You can do this by running the command:

$ ARCH=arm make menuconfig

In my .config file there is no string "NVEC" at all.

If it's generated by `make menuconfig` and you don't have the
dependencies, as far as I can recall it's not supposed to have this
string at all.

How to config this driver to be compiled?

I haven't worked much with kernel for ARM-based SoCs, but I think as
soon as you have your kernel properly configured for the correct
architecture and having all dependencies met you'll see it there. I
just tested and it shows up for me


thanks for the hints. Here the steps I took on my x86_64:

saved my .config file.
sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
make defconfig
make menuconfig
used / NVEC to find driver(s) and set them all to modules
make scripts prepare modules_prepare
make -j6
make -C . M=drivers/staging/nvec

Thanks for your support.

Bye Philipp