[PATCH] arm64: dts: qcom: sm8550-hdk: add the Wifi node

From: Amit Pundir
Date: Tue Jul 02 2024 - 05:19:43 EST

Describe the ath12k WLAN on-board the WCN7850 module present on the

Signed-off-by: Amit Pundir <amit.pundir@xxxxxxxxxx>
Kanged verbatim from 490812872449 ("arm64: dts: qcom: sm8550-qrd: add the Wifi node").

arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/sm8550-hdk.dts | 97 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 97 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/sm8550-hdk.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/sm8550-hdk.dts
index 12d60a0ee095..c453d081a2df 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/sm8550-hdk.dts
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/sm8550-hdk.dts
@@ -279,6 +279,68 @@ platform {
+ wcn7850-pmu {
+ compatible = "qcom,wcn7850-pmu";
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&wlan_en>, <&pmk8550_sleep_clk>;
+ wlan-enable-gpios = <&tlmm 80 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+ /*
+ * TODO Add bt-enable-gpios once the Bluetooth driver is
+ * converted to using the power sequencer.
+ */
+ vdd-supply = <&vreg_s5g_0p85>;
+ vddio-supply = <&vreg_l15b_1p8>;
+ vddaon-supply = <&vreg_s2g_0p85>;
+ vdddig-supply = <&vreg_s4e_0p95>;
+ vddrfa1p2-supply = <&vreg_s4g_1p25>;
+ vddrfa1p8-supply = <&vreg_s6g_1p86>;
+ regulators {
+ vreg_pmu_rfa_cmn: ldo0 {
+ regulator-name = "vreg_pmu_rfa_cmn";
+ };
+ vreg_pmu_aon_0p59: ldo1 {
+ regulator-name = "vreg_pmu_aon_0p59";
+ };
+ vreg_pmu_wlcx_0p8: ldo2 {
+ regulator-name = "vreg_pmu_wlcx_0p8";
+ };
+ vreg_pmu_wlmx_0p85: ldo3 {
+ regulator-name = "vreg_pmu_wlmx_0p85";
+ };
+ vreg_pmu_btcmx_0p85: ldo4 {
+ regulator-name = "vreg_pmu_btcmx_0p85";
+ };
+ vreg_pmu_rfa_0p8: ldo5 {
+ regulator-name = "vreg_pmu_rfa_0p8";
+ };
+ vreg_pmu_rfa_1p2: ldo6 {
+ regulator-name = "vreg_pmu_rfa_1p2";
+ };
+ vreg_pmu_rfa_1p8: ldo7 {
+ regulator-name = "vreg_pmu_rfa_1p8";
+ };
+ vreg_pmu_pcie_0p9: ldo8 {
+ regulator-name = "vreg_pmu_pcie_0p9";
+ };
+ vreg_pmu_pcie_1p8: ldo9 {
+ regulator-name = "vreg_pmu_pcie_1p8";
+ };
+ };
+ };

&apps_rsc {
@@ -954,6 +1016,23 @@ &pcie0 {
status = "okay";

+&pcieport0 {
+ wifi@0 {
+ compatible = "pci17cb,1107";
+ reg = <0x10000 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
+ vddrfacmn-supply = <&vreg_pmu_rfa_cmn>;
+ vddaon-supply = <&vreg_pmu_aon_0p59>;
+ vddwlcx-supply = <&vreg_pmu_wlcx_0p8>;
+ vddwlmx-supply = <&vreg_pmu_wlmx_0p85>;
+ vddrfa0p8-supply = <&vreg_pmu_rfa_0p8>;
+ vddrfa1p2-supply = <&vreg_pmu_rfa_1p2>;
+ vddrfa1p8-supply = <&vreg_pmu_rfa_1p8>;
+ vddpcie0p9-supply = <&vreg_pmu_pcie_0p9>;
+ vddpcie1p8-supply = <&vreg_pmu_pcie_1p8>;
+ };
&pcie0_phy {
vdda-phy-supply = <&vreg_l1e_0p88>;
vdda-pll-supply = <&vreg_l3e_1p2>;
@@ -1046,6 +1125,17 @@ &pon_resin {
status = "okay";

+&pmk8550_gpios {
+ pmk8550_sleep_clk: sleep-clk-state {
+ pins = "gpio3";
+ function = "func1";
+ input-disable;
+ output-enable;
+ bias-disable;
+ power-source = <0>;
+ };
&qupv3_id_0 {
status = "okay";
@@ -1206,6 +1296,13 @@ wcd_default: wcd-reset-n-active-state {
+ wlan_en: wlan-en-state {
+ pins = "gpio80";
+ function = "gpio";
+ drive-strength = <8>;
+ bias-pull-down;
+ };

&uart7 {