[PATCH v4 0/2] Add MPS MP5920 Host-Swap controller

From: Alex Vdovydchenko
Date: Tue Jul 02 2024 - 08:26:43 EST

This series of patches adds the MP5920 Host-swap controller, which is used
as a protection and control IC for devices that are being inserted into a live
backplane. MP5920 acts as a voltage regulator (MP5911 etc) supervisor. IC
utilizes pmbus and provides monitoring, statistics and limits to electrical and
thermal characteristics such as:
- input and output voltage
- output current
- output power
- IC temperature

One must take into account the nonlinear character of readings, so there will be
a statistical error in the range 5–10 percents, depending on current passing
through. In order to use the IC, make sure to specify a valid I2C address
(consult to datasheet and dts-bindings)
MP5920 datasheet: https://www.monolithicpower.com/en/mp5920.html

Changes in v2:
- fixed typos
Changes in v3:
- removed unnecessary license blob
- removed unnecessary headers
- edited device tables style
- added chip name checking in probing
- fixed typos in pmbus_driver_info struct initialization
Changes in v4:
- added i2c_check_functionality in probing
- refactored usage of dev_err_probe insted of dev_err
- edited chip name string handling while printing
- restored .driver.of_match_table, keeping i2c_driver "old" style

Alex Vdovydchenko (2):
dt-bindings: hwmon: Add MPS mp5920
hwmon: add MP5920 driver

.../devicetree/bindings/trivial-devices.yaml | 2 +
Documentation/hwmon/index.rst | 1 +
Documentation/hwmon/mp5920.rst | 91 ++++++++++++++++++
drivers/hwmon/pmbus/Kconfig | 9 ++
drivers/hwmon/pmbus/Makefile | 1 +
drivers/hwmon/pmbus/mp5920.c | 93 +++++++++++++++++++
6 files changed, 197 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Documentation/hwmon/mp5920.rst
create mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/pmbus/mp5920.c
