Re: [PATCH v5 4/6] dt-bindings: iio: dac: Add adi,ltc2664.yaml

From: Conor Dooley
Date: Tue Jul 02 2024 - 11:08:27 EST

On Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 11:00:23AM +0800, Kim Seer Paller wrote:
> + adi,manual-span-operation-config:
> + description:
> + This property must mimic the MSPAN pin configurations. By tying the MSPAN
> + pins (MSP2, MSP1 and MSP0) to GND and/or VCC, any output range can be
> + hardware-configured with different mid-scale or zero-scale reset options.
> + The hardware configuration is latched during power on reset for proper
> + operation.
> + 0 - MPS2=GND, MPS1=GND, MSP0=GND (+-10V, reset to 0V)
> + 1 - MPS2=GND, MPS1=GND, MSP0=VCC (+-5V, reset to 0V)
> + 2 - MPS2=GND, MPS1=VCC, MSP0=GND (+-2.5V, reset to 0V)
> + 3 - MPS2=GND, MPS1=VCC, MSP0=VCC (0V to 10, reset to 0V)
> + 4 - MPS2=VCC, MPS1=GND, MSP0=GND (0V to 10V, reset to 5V)
> + 5 - MPS2=VCC, MPS1=GND, MSP0=VCC (0V to 5V, reset to 0V)
> + 6 - MPS2=VCC, MPS1=VCC, MSP0=GND (0V to 5V, reset to 2.5V)
> + 7 - MPS2=VCC, MPS1=VCC, MSP0=VCC (0V to 5V, reset to 0V, enables SoftSpan)
> + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
> + enum: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
> + default: 7

I still don't like this property, but I still don't really understand
some of the iteraction between it and the output ranges and cannot
suggest anything better, so
Reviewed-by: Conor Dooley <conor.dooley@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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