Re: [PATCH] thermal/core: Introduce user trip points

From: Daniel Lezcano
Date: Tue Jul 02 2024 - 12:32:07 EST

On 02/07/2024 13:03, Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:

[ ... ]

Trips cannot be created on the fly ATM.

What can be done is to create trips that are invalid to start with and
then set their temperature via sysfs. This has been done already for
quite a while AFAICS.

Yes, I remember that.

I would like to avoid introducing more weirdness in the thermal
framework which deserve a clear ABI.

What is missing to create new trip points on the fly ?

A different data structure to store them (essentially, a list instead
of an array).

I doubt it's worth the hassle.

What's wrong with the current approach mentioned above? It will need
to be supported going forward anyway.

So when the "user trip point" option will be set, a thermal zone will have ~ten(?) user trip points initialized to an invalid temperature ?

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