Re: [RESEND PATCH v3 0/3] x86/mm: LAM fixups and cleanups

From: Andrew Morton
Date: Tue Jul 02 2024 - 13:37:20 EST

On Tue, 2 Jul 2024 13:21:36 +0000 Yosry Ahmed <yosryahmed@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This series has fixups and cleanups for LAM. Most importantly, patch 1
> fixes a sycnhronization issue that may cause crashes of userspace
> applications. This is a resend of v3, rebased on top of v6.10-rc6.

"Crashes of userspace applications" is bad. Yet the patchset has been
floating about for four months.

It's unclear (to me) how serious this is. Can you please explain how
common this is, what the userspace application needs to do to trigger
this, etc?