Re: [PATCH v3] cpupower: Make help command available for custom install dir

From: Shuah Khan
Date: Tue Jul 02 2024 - 14:52:25 EST

On 7/2/24 01:40, Roman Storozhenko wrote:
On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 9:40 PM Shuah Khan <skhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 6/29/24 04:48, Roman Storozhenko wrote:
On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 9:45 PM Shuah Khan <skhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 6/28/24 05:30, Roman Storozhenko wrote:
On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 7:33 PM Shuah Khan <skhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 6/27/24 01:49, Roman Storozhenko wrote:
When the 'cpupower' utility installed in the custom dir, it fails to
render appropriate help info for a particular subcommand:
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib64/ bin/cpupower help monitor
with error message like 'No manual entry for cpupower-monitor.1'
The issue is that under the hood it calls 'exec' function with
the following args: 'man cpupower-monitor.1'. In turn, 'man' search
path is defined in '/etc/manpath.config'. Of course it contains only
standard system man paths.
Make subcommands help available for a user by setting up 'MANPATH'
environment variable to the custom installation man pages dir. That
variable value will be prepended to the man pages standard search paths
as described in 'SEARCH PATH' section of MANPATH(5).

What I am asking you is what happens when you set the MANPATH before
running the command?

It adds the custom search path to the beginning of the MANPATH variable.
I tested this case. All works as expected.

Let's try again. What happens if you run the command with MANPATH set and
exported and then run the command. Can you send the output?

hedin@laptop:~/prj/cpupower/install/usr$ echo $MANPATH
hedin@laptop:~/prj/cpupower/install/usr$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib64/
bin/cpupower help monitor
man output
hedin@laptop:~/prj/cpupower/install/usr$ echo $MANPATH

Is this with your patch or mainline? Can you give cut and paste
the man output here for the mainline coupower without your patch?

The above output is from my patch.
This is the output from the mainline:
hedin@laptop:~/prj/cpupower/install/usr$ sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib64/
bin/cpupower help monitor
[sudo] password for hedin:
No manual entry for cpupower-monitor
hedin@laptop:~/prj/cpupower/install/usr$ echo $MANPATH

Why is MANPATH set to /tmp?


Okay. If you run the command as follows and get the man page for
it, then I don't see a reason to add code to make it happen.

sudo MANPATH=$MANPATH:path_to_custom_install_man_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib64/ bin/cpupower help monitor

-- Shuah