Re: [PATCH v3] iio: adc: ad7606: remove frstdata check for serial mode
From: Nuno Sá
Date: Wed Jul 03 2024 - 06:47:26 EST
On Tue, 2024-07-02 at 12:52 +0000, Guillaume Stols wrote:
> The current implementation attempts to recover from an eventual glitch
> in the clock by checking frstdata state after reading the first
> channel's sample: If frstdata is low, it will reset the chip and
> return -EIO.
> This will only work in parallel mode, where frstdata pin is set low
> after the 2nd sample read starts.
> For the serial mode, according to the datasheet, "The FRSTDATA output
> returns to a logic low following the 16th SCLK falling edge.", thus
> after the Xth pulse, X being the number of bits in a sample, the check
> will always be true, and the driver will not work at all in serial
> mode if frstdata(optional) is defined in the devicetree as it will
> reset the chip, and return -EIO every time read_sample is called.
> Hence, this check must be removed for serial mode.
> Fixes: b9618c0cacd7 ("staging: IIO: ADC: New driver for AD7606/AD7606-
> 6/AD7606-4")
> Signed-off-by: Guillaume Stols <gstols@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
Reviewed-by: Nuno Sa <>