Re: [PATCHv5 3/4] x86/tdx: Dynamically disable SEPT violations from causing #VEs

From: Nikolay Borisov
Date: Wed Jul 03 2024 - 08:23:00 EST

On 24.06.24 г. 14:41 ч., Kirill A. Shutemov wrote:


--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/shared/tdx.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/shared/tdx.h
@@ -19,9 +19,17 @@
#define TDG_VM_RD 7
#define TDG_VM_WR 8
-/* TDCS fields. To be used by TDG.VM.WR and TDG.VM.RD module calls */
+/* TDX TD-Scope Metadata. To be used by TDG.VM.WR and TDG.VM.RD */
+#define TDCS_CONFIG_FLAGS 0x1110000300000016
+#define TDCS_TD_CTLS 0x1110000300000017
#define TDCS_NOTIFY_ENABLES 0x9100000000000010

So where is this bit documented, because in td_scope_metadata.json CONFIG_FLAGS' individual bits aren't documented. All other TDX docs refer to the ABI .json file.

Landing code for undocumented bits unfortunately precludes any quality review on behalf of independent parties.

+/* TDCS_TD_CTLS bits */

In contrast the TD_CTLS bits are documented in the same .json file.

/* TDX hypercall Leaf IDs */
#define TDVMCALL_MAP_GPA 0x10001
#define TDVMCALL_GET_QUOTE 0x10002