Re: [PATCH V6 5/5] arm64: dts: qcom: x1e80100: Enable cpufreq

From: Nikunj Kela
Date: Wed Jul 03 2024 - 10:06:11 EST

On 7/3/2024 4:23 AM, Sibi Sankar wrote:
> On 7/3/24 01:43, Nikunj Kela wrote:
>> On 7/2/2024 12:59 PM, Sibi Sankar wrote:
>>> On 7/2/24 21:25, Johan Hovold wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 06:10:56PM +0530, Sibi Sankar wrote:
>>>>> Enable cpufreq on X1E80100 SoCs through the SCMI perf protocol node.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Sibi Sankar <quic_sibis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>    arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/x1e80100.dtsi | 63
>>>>> ++++++++++++++++----------
>>>>>    1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/x1e80100.dtsi
>>>>> b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/x1e80100.dtsi
>>>>> index 7b619db07694..d134dc4c7425 100644
>>>>> --- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/x1e80100.dtsi
>>>>> +++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/x1e80100.dtsi
>>>>> @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ CPU0: cpu@0 {
>>>>>                reg = <0x0 0x0>;
>>>>>                enable-method = "psci";
>>>>>                next-level-cache = <&L2_0>;
>>>>> -            power-domains = <&CPU_PD0>;
>>>>> -            power-domain-names = "psci";
>>>>> +            power-domains = <&CPU_PD0>, <&scmi_dvfs 0>;
>>>>> +            power-domain-names = "psci", "perf";
>>>>>                cpu-idle-states = <&CLUSTER_C4>;
>>>>> +        scmi {
>>>>> +            compatible = "arm,scmi";
>>>>> +            mboxes = <&cpucp_mbox 0>, <&cpucp_mbox 2>;
>>>>> +            mbox-names = "tx", "rx";
>>>>> +            shmem = <&cpu_scp_lpri0>, <&cpu_scp_lpri1>;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            #address-cells = <1>;
>>>>> +            #size-cells = <0>;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            scmi_dvfs: protocol@13 {
>>>>> +                reg = <0x13>;
>>>>> +                #power-domain-cells = <1>;
>>>>> +            };
>>>>> +        };
>>>>>        };
>>> Hey Johan,
>>> Thanks for trying out the series.
>>>> This series gives a nice performance boost on the x1e80100 CRD, but
>>>> I'm
>>>> seeing a bunch of warnings and errors that need to be addressed:
>>>> [    9.533053] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: Failed to get FC for protocol
>>>> 13 [MSG_ID:6 / RES_ID:0] - ret:-95. Using regular messaging.
>>>> [    9.549458] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: Failed to add opps_by_lvl at
>>>> 3417600 for NCC - ret:-16
>>>> [    9.563925] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: Failed to add opps_by_lvl at
>>>> 3417600 for NCC - ret:-16
>>>> [    9.572835] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: Failed to get FC for protocol
>>>> 13 [MSG_ID:6 / RES_ID:1] - ret:-95. Using regular messaging.
>>>> [    9.609471] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: Failed to add opps_by_lvl at
>>>> 3417600 for NCC - ret:-16
>>>> [    9.633341] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: Failed to add opps_by_lvl at
>>>> 3417600 for NCC - ret:-16
>>>> [    9.650000] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: Failed to get FC for protocol
>>>> 13 [MSG_ID:6 / RES_ID:2] - ret:-95. Using regular messaging.
>>> X1E uses fast channels only for message-id: 7 (level set) and regular
>>> channels for all the other messages. The spec doesn't mandate fast
>>> channels for any of the supported message ids for the perf protocol.
>>> So nothing to fix here.
>>>> [    9.727098] cpu cpu4: _opp_is_duplicate: duplicate OPPs detected.
>>>> Existing: freq: 3417600000, volt: 0, enabled: 1. New: freq:
>>>> 3417600000, volt: 0, enabled: 1
>>>> [    9.737157] cpu cpu4: _opp_is_duplicate: duplicate OPPs detected.
>>>> Existing: freq: 3417600000, volt: 0, enabled: 1. New: freq:
>>>> 3417600000, volt: 0, enabled: 1
>>>> [    9.875039] cpu cpu8: _opp_is_duplicate: duplicate OPPs detected.
>>>> Existing: freq: 3417600000, volt: 0, enabled: 1. New: freq:
>>>> 3417600000, volt: 0, enabled: 1
>>>> [    9.888428] cpu cpu8: _opp_is_duplicate: duplicate OPPs detected.
>>>> Existing: freq: 3417600000, volt: 0, enabled: 1. New: freq:
>>>> 3417600000, volt: 0, enabled: 1
>>> The duplicate entries reported by the perf protocol come directly from
>>> the speed bins. I was told the duplicate entry with volt 0 is meant to
>>> indicate a lower power way of achieving the said frequency at a lower
>>> core count. We have no way of using it in the kernel and it gets safely
>>> discarded. So again nothing to fix in the kernel.
>> Hi Sibi,
>> Can you try increasing the max_msg_size to 256 bytes in mailbox
>> transport? We saw the same issue but got resolved by increasing the
>> max_msg_size for the transport(obviously, I reduced the max_msg to 10 to
>> keep the total shmem size same). Even the opps_by_lvl warning went away
>> with this for us.
> Nikunj,
> Thanks for taking time to review the series :)
> Not sure if we are talking about the same things here, are you
> suggesting that tweaking with the max_msg size will stop the SCMI
> controller from reporting duplicate OPPs? Even if it does go away
> magically wouldn't it mean you are dropping messages? Also opps_by_lvl
> failing with -16 and duplicate opps detected in the opp core have the
> same root cause i.e. duplicate entries reported by the controller.


My observation was that only 12 OPPs could fit it 128bytes msg_size and
our platform was sending 16 OPPs in one go. OPPs above 12 were getting
clobbered so the duplicate warning/error were not genuine. You may need
to tweak platform to send only 12(or less) OPPs in one go.

>> Thanks,
>> -Nikunj
>>>> [    9.913506] debugfs: Directory 'NCC' with parent 'pm_genpd'
>>>> already present!
>>>> [    9.922198] debugfs: Directory 'NCC' with parent 'pm_genpd'
>>>> already present!
>>> Yeah I did notice ^^ during dev, the series isn't the one
>>> introducing it
>>> so it shouldn't block the series acceptance. Meanwhile I'll spend some
>>> cycles to get this warn fixed.
> Johan,
> Posted a fix for the warn ^^
>>> -Sibi
>>>> Johan