Re: [PATCH v3 1/3] dt-bindings: thermal: sophgo,cv1800-thermal: Add Sophgo CV1800 thermal

From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Thu Jul 04 2024 - 04:41:56 EST

On 04/07/2024 10:25, Haylen Chu wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 05:09:35PM +0200, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
>>>> +
>>>> +properties:
>>>> + compatible:
>>>> + enum:
>>>> + - sophgo,cv1800-thermal
>>>> +
>>>> + reg:
>>>> + maxItems: 1
>>>> +
>>>> + clocks:
>>>> + description: The thermal sensor clock
>>>> +
>>>> + interrupts:
>>>> + maxItems: 1
>>>> +
>>>> + accumulation-period:
>>>> + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
>>>> + description: Accumulation period for a sample
>>>> + enum:
>>>> + - 512
>>>> + - 1024
>>>> + - 2048
>>>> + - 4096
>>>> + default: 2048
>>>> +
>>>> + chop-period:
>> period in what sort of units? Sounds like time to me, so this would
>> require proper unit suffix.
> In clock ticks.

Then please mention it in the property description.

> When setting to 1024, a time of sample takes (1024 + 2 + 64) clock
> ticks. The clock runs at (25MHz / divider) and the divider is
> configurable.

>>>> + description: Period between samples. Should be greater than 524us.
>>> The constraint here should be "minimum: 524". What's the upper limit?
>>>> + default: 1000000
>>> Rob/Krzysztof, could you comment on the suitability of the three custom
>>> properties here? I know if this was an IIO device, these kinds of things
>>> would be controllable from userspace, and not in the binding. I
>>> mentioned this on the previous version, but I'm not really sure if
>>> thermal devices are somehow different:
>> Why would different boards have different values here? Does it affect
>> accuracy? If so, how much?
>> I doubt there are any boards with different values, thus it sounds like
>> unnecessary tuning parameter.
> Theses values affect accuracy in a minor way (about 1 Celsius degree in
> my test) and could be shared between CV18xx/SG20xx SoCs as they have the
> same design.
> In the first revision, fixed values are used, and I was asked to add
> support for all possible configuration[1]. Now I think this introduces
> extra unnecessary complexity and should be avoided, since this is a
> simple thermal sensor, tuning seems to be useless.
> I suggest renaming "sample-cycle-us" to "sample-rate-hz" and dropping
> other parameters for simplicity.

Ack for me.

Best regards,