[PATCH v4 3/7] memory: tegra: Reword and correct comments

From: Diogo Ivo
Date: Thu Jul 04 2024 - 07:32:21 EST

Fix incorrect comment on periodic_compensation_handler() as the call
update_clock_tree_delay() with DVFS_UPDATE is responsible for dividing
the samples accumulated up to that point and comparing the computed
values with the currently programmed ones. While at it fix the
indentation of a nearby comment.

Signed-off-by: Diogo Ivo <diogo.ivo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/memory/tegra/tegra210-emc-cc-r21021.c | 10 ++--------
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/memory/tegra/tegra210-emc-cc-r21021.c b/drivers/memory/tegra/tegra210-emc-cc-r21021.c
index a3525f3b8145..a9e19dfa9856 100644
--- a/drivers/memory/tegra/tegra210-emc-cc-r21021.c
+++ b/drivers/memory/tegra/tegra210-emc-cc-r21021.c
@@ -451,18 +451,12 @@ static u32 periodic_compensation_handler(struct tegra210_emc *emc, u32 type,
__MOVAVG(next, C1D1U1) = 0;

for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
- /*
- * Generate next sample of data.
- */
+ /* Generate next sample of data. */
adel = update_clock_tree_delay(emc, DVFS_PT1);

- /*
- * Seems like it should be part of the
- * 'if (last_timing->periodic_training)' conditional
- * since is already done for the else clause.
- */
+ /* Do the division part of the moving average */
adel = update_clock_tree_delay(emc, DVFS_UPDATE);
