Re: [PATCH 2/2] arm64: dts: rockchip: add rock5 itx board

From: Alex Bee
Date: Thu Jul 04 2024 - 07:44:00 EST

Am 04.07.24 um 12:05 schrieb Heiko Stübner:
Hi Diederik,

Am Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024, 11:38:51 CEST schrieb Diederik de Haas:
Thanks for submitting this. A quick scan indicates it should work with a
(recent) Debian kernel OOTB :-)

On Wednesday, 3 July 2024 23:05:24 CEST Heiko Stuebner wrote:
+&sdhci {
+ bus-width = <8>;
+ no-sdio;
+ no-sd;
+ non-removable;
+ max-frequency = <200000000>;
+ mmc-hs400-1_8v;
+ mmc-hs400-enhanced-strobe;
+ mmc-hs200-1_8v;
+ status = "okay";
+&sdmmc {
+ max-frequency = <200000000>;
+ no-sdio;
+ no-mmc;
+ bus-width = <4>;
+ cap-mmc-highspeed;
+ cap-sd-highspeed;
+ disable-wp;
+ sd-uhs-sdr104;
+ vmmc-supply = <&vcc_3v3_s3>;
+ vqmmc-supply = <&vccio_sd_s0>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&sdmmc_bus4 &sdmmc_clk &sdmmc_cmd &sdmmc_det>;
+ status = "okay";
+/* M.2 E-KEY */
+&sdio {
+ broken-cd;
+ bus-width = <4>;
+ cap-sdio-irq;
+ disable-wp;
+ keep-power-in-suspend;
+ max-frequency = <150000000>;
+ mmc-pwrseq = <&sdio_pwrseq>;
+ no-sd;
+ no-mmc;
+ non-removable;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&sdiom0_pins>;
+ sd-uhs-sdr104;
+ vmmc-supply = <&vcc3v3_ekey>;
+ status = "okay";
+&sfc {
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&fspim2_pins>;
+ status = "okay";

Shouldn't those properties be sorted alphabetically? Or at least consistently?
Note that the same issue is present on other places too, but I believe the
above quoted part shows the issue enough.

The main sorting is
- compatible
- reg
[... alphabetically ...]
- status

Yeah ... that's always the question when adding new board files. Do it like
"it's always been done" or re-sort the properties alphanumeric _everywhere_
which looks quite strange at times. If I'm getting the newly added dt
coding style correctly common (subsystem?) properties should also be placed
before vendor (driver?) specific ones. Yet I didn't see a board file which
places 'regulator-max-microvolt' before 'regulator-min-microvolt'. So I
guess it's fine if it's done consistently within the same file?

But now that I look at it, you're right there are some non-alphabetical
shenanigans going on there in the sdmmc and sdhci nodes ;-)


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