Re: [PATCH 2/6] misc: sbrmi: Add platform device add to create platform device

From: Gupta, Akshay
Date: Thu Jul 04 2024 - 10:13:43 EST

On 7/4/2024 5:20 PM, Greg KH wrote:
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On Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 11:16:20AM +0000, Akshay Gupta wrote:
- AMD provides socket power information from out of band
which can be read by sensors.
- platform driver will probe drivers/hwmon/sbrmi as a platform device
and share the sbrmi device data.
So you are "splitting" a real device into different ones using a
platform device? THat's not ok, and an abuse of the platform api.
Please use the correct one for that instead.

is it ok to call API, devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() from misc driver

which will require to defining the hwmon ops in here.

Signed-off-by: Akshay Gupta <akshay.gupta@xxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Naveen Krishna Chatradhi <naveenkrishna.chatradhi@xxxxxxx>
drivers/misc/amd-sb/sbrmi-i2c.c | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
include/misc/amd-sb.h | 2 ++
2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/misc/amd-sb/sbrmi-i2c.c b/drivers/misc/amd-sb/sbrmi-i2c.c
index c4903d9e9f0f..b593bbdd78e0 100644
--- a/drivers/misc/amd-sb/sbrmi-i2c.c
+++ b/drivers/misc/amd-sb/sbrmi-i2c.c
@@ -72,7 +72,29 @@ static int sbrmi_i2c_probe(struct i2c_client *client)
return ret;

/* Cache maximum power limit */
- return sbrmi_get_max_pwr_limit(data);
+ ret = sbrmi_get_max_pwr_limit(data);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ dev_set_drvdata(dev, (void *)data);
No need to cast, right?
Yes, will update.

+ data->pdev = platform_device_register_data(dev, "sbrmi-hwmon",
Yeah, that's not ok. Please do this correctly, as this is NOT a
platform device, but rather a made-up one that you just created out of
no where. Instead use the correct apis for that.

+ data,
+ sizeof(struct sbrmi_data));
+ if (IS_ERR(data->pdev)) {
+ pr_err("unable to register platform device for sbrmi-hwmon\n");
+ return PTR_ERR(data->pdev);
You don't need to unwind anything else here?
Yes, not required.

+ }
+ return ret;
+static void sbrmi_i2c_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
+ struct sbrmi_data *data = dev_get_drvdata(&client->dev);
+ if (!data)
+ return;
How can that happen?
Its just a safe check, once we remove platform driver this will not be required.
greg k-h