[PATCH 14/20] rust: alloc: implement `IntoIterator` for `KVec`
From: Danilo Krummrich
Date: Thu Jul 04 2024 - 13:12:25 EST
Implement `IntoIterator` for `KVec`, `KVec`'s `IntoIter` type, as well
as `Iterator` for `IntoIter`.
`KVec::into_iter` disassembles the `KVec` into its raw parts;
additionally, `IntoIter` keeps track of a separate pointer, which is
incremented correspondingsly as the iterator advances, while the length,
or the count of elements, is decremented.
This also means that `IntoIter` takes the ownership of the backing
buffer and is responsible to drop the remaining elements and free the
backing buffer, if it's dropped.
Signed-off-by: Danilo Krummrich <dakr@xxxxxxxxxx>
rust/kernel/alloc.rs | 1 +
rust/kernel/alloc/kvec.rs | 177 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/rust/kernel/alloc.rs b/rust/kernel/alloc.rs
index 3a0195d23bb4..e6a5d65e0c48 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/alloc.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/alloc.rs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
pub use self::allocator_test as allocator;
pub use self::kbox::KBox;
+pub use self::kvec::IntoIter;
pub use self::kvec::KVec;
/// Indicates an allocation error.
diff --git a/rust/kernel/alloc/kvec.rs b/rust/kernel/alloc/kvec.rs
index 7ec898657832..ece48930966e 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/alloc/kvec.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/alloc/kvec.rs
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
- ptr, slice,
+ ptr,
+ ptr::NonNull,
+ slice,
@@ -603,3 +605,176 @@ fn eq(&self, other: &$rhs) -> bool { self[..] == other[..] }
__impl_slice_eq! { [A: Allocator] [T], KVec<U, A> }
__impl_slice_eq! { [A: Allocator, const N: usize] KVec<T, A>, [U; N] }
__impl_slice_eq! { [A: Allocator, const N: usize] KVec<T, A>, &[U; N] }
+impl<'a, T, A> IntoIterator for &'a KVec<T, A>
+ A: Allocator,
+ type Item = &'a T;
+ type IntoIter = slice::Iter<'a, T>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ self.iter()
+ }
+impl<'a, T, A: Allocator> IntoIterator for &'a mut KVec<T, A>
+ A: Allocator,
+ type Item = &'a mut T;
+ type IntoIter = slice::IterMut<'a, T>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ self.iter_mut()
+ }
+/// An iterator that moves out of a vector.
+/// This `struct` is created by the `into_iter` method on [`KVec`] (provided by the [`IntoIterator`]
+/// trait).
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// let v = kernel::kvec![0, 1, 2]?;
+/// let iter: kernel::alloc::IntoIter<_> = v.into_iter();
+/// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+/// ```
+pub struct IntoIter<T, A: Allocator = Kmalloc> {
+ ptr: *mut T,
+ buf: NonNull<T>,
+ len: usize,
+ cap: usize,
+ alloc: A,
+impl<T, A> IntoIter<T, A>
+ A: Allocator,
+ fn as_raw_mut_slice(&mut self) -> *mut [T] {
+ ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(self.ptr, self.len)
+ }
+impl<T, A> Iterator for IntoIter<T, A>
+ A: Allocator,
+ type Item = T;
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// let v = kernel::kvec![1, 2, 3]?;
+ /// let mut it = v.into_iter();
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(it.next(), Some(1));
+ /// assert_eq!(it.next(), Some(2));
+ /// assert_eq!(it.next(), Some(3));
+ /// assert_eq!(it.next(), None);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
+ if self.len == 0 {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let ptr = self.ptr;
+ if !KVec::<T>::is_zst() {
+ // SAFETY: We can't overflow; `end` is guaranteed to mark the end of the buffer.
+ unsafe { self.ptr = self.ptr.add(1) };
+ } else {
+ // For ZST `ptr` has to stay where it is to remain aligned, so we just reduce `self.len`
+ // by 1.
+ }
+ self.len -= 1;
+ // SAFETY: `ptr` is guaranteed to point at a valid element within the buffer.
+ Some(unsafe { ptr.read() })
+ }
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use kernel::alloc::KVec;
+ ///
+ /// let v: KVec<u32, _> = kernel::kvec![1, 2, 3]?;
+ /// let mut iter = v.into_iter();
+ /// let size = iter.size_hint().0;
+ ///
+ /// iter.next();
+ /// assert_eq!(iter.size_hint().0, size - 1);
+ ///
+ /// iter.next();
+ /// assert_eq!(iter.size_hint().0, size - 2);
+ ///
+ /// iter.next();
+ /// assert_eq!(iter.size_hint().0, size - 3);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ (self.len, Some(self.len))
+ }
+impl<T, A> Drop for IntoIter<T, A>
+ A: Allocator,
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // SAFETY: Drop the remaining vector's elements in place, before we free the backing
+ // memory.
+ unsafe { ptr::drop_in_place(self.as_raw_mut_slice()) };
+ // If `cap == 0` we never allocated any memory in the first place.
+ if self.cap != 0 {
+ // SAFETY: `self.buf` was previously allocated with `self.alloc`.
+ unsafe { self.alloc.free(self.buf.as_ptr().cast()) };
+ }
+ }
+impl<T, A> IntoIterator for KVec<T, A>
+ A: Allocator,
+ type Item = T;
+ type IntoIter = IntoIter<T, A>;
+ /// Creates a consuming iterator, that is, one that moves each value out of
+ /// the vector (from start to end). The vector cannot be used after calling
+ /// this.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// let v = kernel::kvec![1, 2]?;
+ /// let mut v_iter = v.into_iter();
+ ///
+ /// let first_element: Option<u32> = v_iter.next();
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(first_element, Some(1));
+ /// assert_eq!(v_iter.next(), Some(2));
+ /// assert_eq!(v_iter.next(), None);
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
+ let (ptr, len, cap, alloc) = self.into_raw_parts_alloc();
+ IntoIter {
+ ptr,
+ buf: unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr) },
+ len,
+ cap,
+ alloc,
+ }
+ }