Re: deconflicting new syscall numbers for 6.11

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Thu Jul 04 2024 - 13:22:03 EST

On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 at 10:10, Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The three of us all have new syscalls planned for 6.11. Arnd suggested
> that we coordinate to deconflict, to make the merge easier.

Nobody has explained to me what has changed since your last vdso
getrandom, and I'm not planning on pulling it unless that fundamental
flaw is fixed.

Why is this _so_ critical that it needs a vdso?

Why isn't user space just doing it itself?

What's so magical about this all?

This all seems entirely pointless to me still, because it's optimizing
something that nobody seems to care about, adding new VM
infrastructure, new magic system calls, yadda yadda.

I was very sceptical last time, and absolutely _nothing_ has changed.
Not a peep on why it's now suddenly so hugely important again.

We don't add stuff "just because we can". We need to have a damn good
reason for it. And I still don't see the reason, and I haven't seen
anybody even trying to explain the reason.
