Re: [PATCH 1/1] slimbus: Fix struct and documentation alignment in stream.c

From: Srinivas Kandagatla
Date: Fri Jul 05 2024 - 03:55:22 EST

On 05/07/2024 08:53, Greg KH wrote:
On Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 08:40:40AM +0100, srinivas.kandagatla@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
From: Amit Vadhavana <av2082000@xxxxxxxxx>

The placement of the `segdist_codes` array documentation was corrected
to conform with kernel documentation guidelines. The `@segdist_codes`
was placed incorrectly within the struct `segdist_code` documentation
block, which led to a potential misinterpretation of the code structure.

The `segdist_codes` array documentation was moved outside the struct
block, and a separate comment block was provided for it. This change
ensures that clarity and proper alignment with kernel documentation
standards are maintained.

A kernel-doc warning was addressed:
./drivers/slimbus/stream.c:49: warning: Excess struct member 'segdist_codes' description in 'segdist_code'

Signed-off-by: Amit Vadhavana <av2082000@xxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Ricardo B. Marliere <ricardo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Srinivas Kandagatla <srinivas.kandagatla@xxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/slimbus/stream.c | 8 +++++---
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

I don't think this was ment to be sent as part of the fastrpc patch
series :(

Can you fix this up and resend a v2?

True, this patch ended up in the folder.. did not realize that!

will resend!



greg k-h