Re: [PATCH] USB: core: add 'shutdown' callback to usb_driver

From: gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat Jul 06 2024 - 04:13:30 EST

On Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 11:21:06AM +0000, Aditya Garg wrote:
> From: Kerem Karabay <kekrby@xxxxxxxxx>
> This simplifies running code on shutdown for USB drivers.

Sorry, but this does not explain why this is needed at all :(

Where did this change come from? What problem does it solve? Why
should we take it?

I think I know the answers to these questions, but you need to document
it here as to why it is needed (please read the kernel documentation for
how to write a good changelog text and subject line.)


greg k-h