Re: (subset) [PATCH v11 0/6] Add interconnect driver for IPQ9574 SoC

From: Bjorn Andersson
Date: Sat Jul 06 2024 - 18:05:20 EST

On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 12:12:08 +0530, Varadarajan Narayanan wrote:
> MSM platforms manage NoC related clocks and scaling from RPM.
> However, in IPQ SoCs, RPM is not involved in managing NoC
> related clocks and there is no NoC scaling.
> However, there is a requirement to enable some NoC interface
> clocks for the accessing the peripherals present in the
> system. Hence add a minimalistic interconnect driver that
> establishes a path from the processor/memory to those peripherals
> and vice versa.
> [...]

Applied, thanks!

[6/6] arm64: dts: qcom: ipq9574: Add icc provider ability to gcc
commit: 5d0ab61a700214366dfcca5893b87655261e8c94

Best regards,
Bjorn Andersson <andersson@xxxxxxxxxx>