Re: [PATCH v2 5/6] mm: zswap: store incompressible page as-is
From: Takero Funaki
Date: Sun Jul 07 2024 - 05:38:48 EST
2024年7月7日(日) 8:53 Nhat Pham <nphamcs@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I tried to propose something similar in the past. Please read the
> following discussion:
> But, the TLDR is Yosry was (rightly) concerned that with this
> approach, memory reclaiming could end up increasing memory usage
> rather than reducing (since we do not free up the page that fail to
> zswap-out, and we need extra memory for the zswap metadata of that
> page).
> So my vote on this patch would be NACK, until we get around this issue
> somehow :)
It seems the discussion on the thread mixed up memory allocation
failure (system runs out of memory reserve) and incompressible pages
(compression algorithm successfully compressed but the result is equal
to or larger than PAGE_SIZE).
zswap has been storing pages into dedicated pages 1:1 when compressed
to near PAGE_SIZE. Using zsmalloc, current zswap stores pages
compressed to between 3633 bytes (=hugeclass+1) to 4095 bytes
(=PAGE_SIZE-1) into 1 page. This patch changes the range to 3633 to
4096 by treating PAGE_SIZE as a special case. I could not find a
reason to reject only PAGE_SIZE while accepting PAGE_SIZE-1.
zswap wastes memory for metadata for all accepted pages but reduces IO
amount and latency by compressed buffer memory. For pages between 3633
to 4096 bytes, zswap reduces the latency only. This is still
beneficial because the rare incompressible pages trigger urgent
pageout IO and incur a head-of-line blocking on the subsequent pages.
It also keeps LRU priority for pagein latency.
In the worst case or with a malicious dataset, zswap will waste a
significant amount of memory, but this patch does not affect nor
resolve the scenario. For example, if a user allocates pages
compressed to 3633 bytes, current zswap using zsmalloc cannot gain
memory as the compression ratio, including zsmalloc overhead, becomes
1:1. This also applies to zbud. The compression ratio will be 1:1 as
zbud cannot find buddies smaller than 463 bytes. zswap will be less
efficient but still work in this situation since the max pool percent
and background writeback ensure the pool size does not overwhelm
usable memory.
I suppose the current zswap has accepted the possible waste of memory,
at least since the current zswap_compress() logic was implemented. If
zswap had to ensure the compression ratio is better than 1:1, and only
prefers reducing IO amount (not latency), there would have been a
compression ratio threshold to reject pages not compressible to under
2048 bytes. I think accepting nearly incompressible pages is
beneficial and changing the range to 4096 does not negatively affect
the current behavior.