Re: 6.10/regression/bisected - after f1d97e769152 I spotted increased execution time of the kswapd0 process and symptoms as if there is not enough memory

From: Andrea Gelmini
Date: Sun Jul 07 2024 - 06:15:51 EST

Il giorno dom 7 lug 2024 alle ore 11:41 Filipe Manana
<fdmanana@xxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
> > Again, this is based on 6.10-rc6 plus 3 fixes for this issue you're both having.
> >
> > Can you guys test that branch?

Used yesterday and today. Seems fine. Just in quick test, I see
sometimes PSI memory spike over 40, but - important thing - no effect
on interactivity. So I didn't investigated more.

Well, just to be sure. I compiled the latest git with -rc6 and
test3_em_shrinker_6.10. Nothing more about patches.

Anyway, just for the record:
kernel: test3
fresh: 0:03:44 [ 241MiB/s]
aged: 0:02:07 [ 801MiB/s]
funny thing: next runs of aged no more than 0:03:22 [
504MiB/s] (but, as I wrote, no problem with interaction).

> I just updated the branch with a last minute change to avoid an
> unnecessary reschedule and re-lock, therefore helping reduce latency.

Ok, recompile now and test!