Re: [PATCH] vfs: ensure mount source is set to "none" if empty string specified
From: Prakash Sangappa
Date: Tue Jul 16 2024 - 19:13:07 EST
> On Jul 15, 2024, at 5:35 AM, Christian Brauner <brauner@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> The issue can be easily reproduced.
>> #mount -t tmpfs "" /tmp/tdir
>> #grep "/tmp/tdir" /proc/$$/mountinfo
> The kernel has accepted "" before the new mount api was introduced. So
> the regression was showing "none" when userspace requested "" which got
> fixed. The patch proposed right here would reintroduce the regression:
The commit messages do not indicate that ’none’ caused a regression and was changed back to being empty string again, unless I missed it.
I was under the impression ’none’ was added to address issues with parsing mount entries in /proc/<pid>mountinfo.
Below was a patch proposal describing the parsing issues with libmount and other software because the mount source is empty. Don’t think this patch was merged.
Due to changes in v5.4 timeframe the mount entry started showing ’none’ for source name.
Our Database application ran into an issue with libmount when moving from running on v5.4* kernel to v5.15* kernel version.
> (1) 4.15
> root@b1:~# cat /proc/self/mountinfo | grep mnt
> 386 28 0:52 / /mnt rw,relatime shared:223 - tmpfs rw
> (2) 5.4
> root@f1:~# cat /proc/self/mountinfo | grep mnt
> 584 31 0:55 / /mnt rw,relatime shared:336 - tmpfs none rw
> (3) 6.10-rc6
> root@localhost:~# cat /proc/self/mountinfo | grep mnt
> 62 130 0:60 / /mnt rw,relatime shared:135 - tmpfs rw,inode64