Re: [PATCH next] usb: usbfs: Add reset_resume for usbfs

From: Hongyu Xie
Date: Tue Jul 16 2024 - 21:44:00 EST

From: Hongyu Xie <xiehongyu1@xxxxxxxxxx>

On 2024/7/16 20:44, Oliver Neukum wrote:
On 15.07.24 16:22, Alan Stern wrote:
On Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 10:53:14AM +0200, Oliver Neukum wrote:

On 11.07.24 16:41, Alan Stern wrote:

Agreed, but the solution is pretty simple.  Because the device was
suspended, the userspace driver must have enabled suspend via the

The whole system could have been suspended, in particularly to S4.

You are right.  I was thinking of runtime suspend, not system suspend.
My mistake.

This is at the intersection of several scenarios. That is a good part of
what makes this difficult.
In principal I think we could get away with checking for a flag to be set
at reset_resume() before each operation. Elegant this is not. Yet, it seems
to me like the race necessarily exists and is unsolvable in user space.

From what I know, that CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST is enabled by default. Then udev->persist_enabled is set to 1 and this causing udev->reset_resume set to 1 during init2 in hub_activate.
During resume,
usb_reset_and_verify_device (if udev->reset_resume is 1)
usb_resume_interface (udev->reset_resume is 1 but usbfs doesn't have reset_resume implementation so set intf->needs_binding to 1, and it will be rebind in usb_resume_complete)

Even before usbfs->reset_resume is called (if there is one), the USB device has already been reset and in a good state.

After all that thaw_processes is called and user-space application runs again.

So I still don't understand why "the race necessarily exists". Can you show me an example that usbfs->reset_resume causes race?

Furthermore in the long run, if we want to use D3cold in runtime power
management, it looks to me like we would want a second permission ioctl
for that.


Hongyu Xie