Re: [PATCH v1 4/4] ARM: dts: socfpga: remove non-existent DAC from CycloneV devkit

From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Wed Jul 17 2024 - 05:40:23 EST

On 17/07/2024 11:37, Conor Dooley wrote:
> From: Conor Dooley <conor.dooley@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> There is no Rohm DAC on the CycloneV devkit according to the online
> documentation for it that I could find, and it definitely does not have
> a dh2228fv as this device does not actually exist! Remove the DAC node
> from the devicetree as it is not acceptable to pretend to have a device
> on a board in order to bind the spidev driver in Linux.
> Signed-off-by: Conor Dooley <conor.dooley@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Krzysztof Kozlowski <krzysztof.kozlowski@xxxxxxxxxx>

Best regards,