Re: [PATCH 5/6] iio: adc: mcp3564: use devm_regulator_get_enable_read_voltage()

From: Marius.Cristea
Date: Wed Jul 17 2024 - 09:03:03 EST

Hi David,

Thank you very much for cleaning up the code.

On Fri, 2024-07-12 at 11:03 -0500, David Lechner wrote:
> EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click links or open attachments unless you
> know the content is safe
> This makes use of the new devm_regulator_get_enable_read_voltage()
> helper function to reduce boilerplate code in the MCP3564 ADC driver.
> The error message is slightly changed since there are fewer error
> return paths.
> Setting adc->vref_mv is consolidated into a single place to make the
> logic easier to follow.
> A use_auto_zeroing_ref_attr local variable is added to make it more
> obvious what the difference between the two iio info structures is.

Can we use another name here, instead of "use_auto_zeroing_ref_attr" to
use something like "use_internal_vref_attr". It could be misleading
because the difference between the two part numbers is related to
having or not having the internal voltage reference. If the part has
voltage reference (with the R at the end) and the user want's to use
it, there is an attribute to enable/disable in hardware the

> The return value of the "Unknown Vref" dev_err_probe() is hard-coded
> to
> -ENODEV instead of ret since it was getting a bit far from where ret
> was set and logically that is the only value it could have.
> Signed-off-by: David Lechner <dlechner@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---

Best regards,