Re: [PATCH v3 0/5] perf build: libtraceevent, libtracefs feature check with pkg-config

From: Namhyung Kim
Date: Wed Jul 17 2024 - 12:28:24 EST


On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 12:45 PM Guilherme Amadio <amadio@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Namhyung, Arnaldo,
> Here is version 3 of the patchset. I see the change to send output to devnull
> has already been applied, so I am submitting the remaining work only.
> The difference with previous changes is that in v3 rather than add tests with
> pkg-config to check if dependencies are actually installed, we just set the
> flags and send any warning to devnull. The change that remains in this patchset
> is the fix for the other tools, which were inadvertently broken when the include
> for libtracefs changed from #include <tracefs/tracefs.h> to #include <tracefs.h>
> since the flags for the feature check are not set in the other tools Makefiles,
> it currently only works for perf. I recommend to either take at least patch 2/5
> that moves setting the flags to tools/build/Makefile.feature or to revert the two
> patches that have been applied. You can easily test the fix with the commands below:
> make -B -C tools/verification/rv VF=1
> make -B -C tools/tracing/latency VF=1
> make -B -C tools/tracing/rtla VF=1
> from the root of the repository. Only after the feature check flags are moved to
> Makefile.feature that it also fixes the other tools. Apologies for the breakage
> there.

Steve, are you ok with having this patchset in the perf-tools tree?
