Re: [PATCH iwl-net v2 2/3] igc: Fix reset adapter logics when tx mode change

From: Vinicius Costa Gomes
Date: Wed Jul 17 2024 - 18:04:30 EST


"Abdul Rahim, Faizal" <faizal.abdul.rahim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On 12/7/2024 1:10 am, Vinicius Costa Gomes wrote:
>> "Abdul Rahim, Faizal" <faizal.abdul.rahim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> Hi Vinicius,
>>> On 11/7/2024 6:44 am, Vinicius Costa Gomes wrote:
>>>> Faizal Rahim <faizal.abdul.rahim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>>> Following the "igc: Fix TX Hang issue when QBV Gate is close" changes,
>>>>> remaining issues with the reset adapter logic in igc_tsn_offload_apply()
>>>>> have been observed:
>>>>> 1. The reset adapter logics for i225 and i226 differ, although they should
>>>>> be the same according to the guidelines in I225/6 HW Design Section
>>>>> on software initialization during tx mode changes.
>>>>> 2. The i225 resets adapter every time, even though tx mode doesn't change.
>>>>> This occurs solely based on the condition igc_is_device_id_i225() when
>>>>> calling schedule_work().
>>>>> 3. i226 doesn't reset adapter for tsn->legacy tx mode changes. It only
>>>>> resets adapter for legacy->tsn tx mode transitions.
>>>>> 4. qbv_count introduced in the patch is actually not needed; in this
>>>>> context, a non-zero value of qbv_count is used to indicate if tx mode
>>>>> was unconditionally set to tsn in igc_tsn_enable_offload(). This could
>>>>> be replaced by checking the existing register
>>>>> This patch resolves all issues and enters schedule_work() to reset the
>>>>> adapter only when changing tx mode. It also removes reliance on qbv_count.
>>>>> qbv_count field will be removed in a future patch.
>>>>> Test ran:
>>>>> 1. Verify reset adapter behaviour in i225/6:
>>>>> a) Enrol a new GCL
>>>>> Reset adapter observed (tx mode change legacy->tsn)
>>>>> b) Enrol a new GCL without deleting qdisc
>>>>> No reset adapter observed (tx mode remain tsn->tsn)
>>>>> c) Delete qdisc
>>>>> Reset adapter observed (tx mode change tsn->legacy)
>>>>> 2. Tested scenario from "igc: Fix TX Hang issue when QBV Gate is closed"
>>>>> to confirm it remains resolved.
>>>>> Fixes: 175c241288c0 ("igc: Fix TX Hang issue when QBV Gate is closed")
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Faizal Rahim <faizal.abdul.rahim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Reviewed-by: Simon Horman <horms@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> ---
>>>> There were a quite a few bugs, some of them my fault, on this part of
>>>> the code, changing between the modes in the hardware.
>>>> So I would like some confirmation that ETF offloading/LaunchTime was
>>>> also tested with this change. Just to be sure.
>>>> But code-wise, looks good:
>>>> Acked-by: Vinicius Costa Gomes <vinicius.gomes@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Cheers,
>>> Tested etf with offload, looks like working correctly.
>>> 1. mqprio
>>> tc qdisc add dev enp1s0 handle 100: parent root mqprio num_tc 3 \
>>> map 2 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 \
>>> queues 1@0 1@1 2@2 \
>>> hw 0
>>> No reset adapter observed.
>>> 2. etf with offload
>>> tc qdisc replace dev enp1s0 parent 100:1 etf \
>>> clockid CLOCK_TAI delta 300000 offload
>>> Reset adapter observed (tx mode legacy -> tsn).
>>> 3. delete qdisc
>>> tc qdisc delete dev enp1s0 parent root handle 100
>>> Reset adapter observed (tx mode tsn -> legacy).
>> That no unexpected resets are happening, is good.
>> But what I had in mind was some functional tests that ETF is working. I
>> guess that's the only way of knowing that it's still working. Sorry that
>> I wasn't clear about that.
>> Cheers,
> My bad.
> Just tested ETF functionality and it is working.

Awesome. Thanks for the confirmation:

Acked-by: Vinicius Costa Gomes <vinicius.gomes@xxxxxxxxx>
