Re: [RFC PATCH 1/5] doc: rust: create safety standard
From: Alice Ryhl
Date: Thu Jul 18 2024 - 08:20:45 EST
On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 12:12 AM Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> +Soundness
> +=========
> +
> +``unsafe`` operations (e.g. ``unsafe`` functions, dereferencing raw pointers etc.) have certain
> +conditions that need to be fulfilled in order for the operation to not be UB.
> +To evaluate if the ``unsafe`` code usage is correct, one needs to consider the API that wraps said
> +``unsafe`` code. If under all possible safe uses of the API, the conditions for the ``unsafe``
> +operation are fulfilled, the API is *sound*. Otherwise it is *unsound*. Here is a simple example::
> +
> + pub struct Data {
> + a: usize,
> + }
> +
> + pub fn access_a(data: *mut Data) -> usize {
> + unsafe { (*data).a }
> + }
> +
> + fn main() {
> + let mut d = Data { a: 42 };
> + println!("{}", access_a(&mut d));
> + }
> +
> +While this example has no UB, the function ``access_a`` is unsound. This is because one could just
> +write the following safe usage::
> +
> + println!("{}", access_a(core::ptr::null_mut()));
> +
> +And this would result in a dereference of a null pointer.
> +
> +In its essence, a sound API means that if someone only writes safe code, they can never encounter UB
> +even if they call safe code that calls ``unsafe`` code behind the scenes.
I think this section on soundness could be more clear. You never
really give a definition for what soundness is; you just jump into an
example immediately.
It may be nice to talk about how a sound API must prevent memory
safety issues, even if the safe code required to do so is silly or
unrealistic. Doing so is necessary to maintain the "safe code never
has memory safety bugs" guarantee.
> +Because unsoundness issues have the potential for allowing safe code to experience UB, they are
> +treated similarly to actual bugs with UB. Their fixes should also be included in the stable tree.
> +
> +Safety Documentation
> +====================
> +
> +After trying to minimize and remove as much ``unsafe`` code as possible, there still is some left.
> +This is because some things are just not possible in only safe code. This last part of ``unsafe``
> +code must still be correct. Helping with that is the safety documentation: it meticulously documents
> +the various requirements and justifications for every line of ``unsafe`` code. That way it can be
> +ensured that all ``unsafe`` code is sound without anyone needing to know the whole kernel at once.
> +The gist of the idea is this: every ``unsafe`` operation documents its requirements and every
> +location that uses an ``unsafe`` operation documents for every requirement a justification why they
> +are fulfilled. If now all requirements and justifications are correct, then there can only be sound
> +``unsafe`` code.
> +
> +The ``unsafe`` keywords has two different meanings depending on the context it is used in:
> +
> +* granting access to an unchecked operation,
> +* declaring that something is an unchecked operation.
> +
> +In both cases we have to add safety documentation. In the first case, we have to justify why we can
> +always guarantee that the requirements of the unchecked operation are fulfilled. In the second case,
> +we have to list the requirements that have to be fulfilled for the operation to be sound.
> +
> +In the following sections we will go over each location where ``unsafe`` can be used.
> +
> +.. _unsafe-Functions:
> +
> +``unsafe`` Functions
> +--------------------
> +
> +``unsafe`` on function declarations is used to state that this function has special requirements
> +that callers have to ensure when calling the function::
> +
> + unsafe fn foo() {
> + // ...
> + }
> +
> +These requirements are called the safety requirements of the function. These requirements can take
> +any shape and range from simple requirements like "``ptr_arg`` is valid" (``ptr_arg`` refers to some
> +argument with the type matching ``*mut T`` or ``*const T``) to more complex requirements like
> +"``ptr`` must be valid, point to a ``NUL``-terminated C string, and it must be valid for at least
> +``'a``. While the returned value is alive, the memory at ``ptr`` must not be mutated.".
> +
> +The safety requirements have to be documented in the so called safety section::
> +
> + /// <oneline description of the function>
> + ///
> + /// <full description of the function>
> + ///
> + /// # Safety
> + ///
> + /// <safety requirements>
> + unsafe fn foo() {
> + // ...
> + }
I would love to see a proper example here.
> +.. _unsafe-Blocks:
> +
> +``unsafe`` Blocks
> +-----------------
> +
> +``unsafe`` code blocks are used to call ``unsafe`` functions and perform built-in ``unsafe``
> +operations such as dereferencing a raw pointer::
> +
> + unsafe { foo() };
> +
> +In order to ensure that all safety requirements of ``unsafe`` operations are upheld, a safety
> +comment is mandatory for all ``unsafe`` blocks. This safety comment needs to provide a correct
> +justification for every safety requirements of every operation within the block::
> +
> + // SAFETY: <justifications>
> + unsafe { foo() };
I think it is worth explicitly pointing out that the safety comment
must explain why the preconditions are satisfied, *not* what the
preconditions are. It's a really really common mistake to mix up
these, and it probably even makes sense to include two examples
showing the difference.
> +For transparency it is best practice to have only a single ``unsafe`` operation per ``unsafe``
> +block, since then it is more clear what the justifications are trying to justify. Safe operations
> +should not be included in the block, since it adds confusion as to which operation is the ``unsafe``
> +one. In certain cases however it makes it easier to understand if there is only a single ``unsafe``
> +block. For example::
> +
> + // SAFETY: `ptr` is valid for writes.
> + unsafe {
> + (*ptr).field1 = 42;
> + (*ptr).field2 = 24;
> + (*ptr).field3 = 2442;
> + }
> +
> +In this case it is more readable to not split the block into multiple parts.
It would be nice with an example of a completely normal safety comment
example. Also would be nice to call out that the semicolon goes
outside the unsafe block to improve formatting, when it's a single
It would also be nice with an example that shows how to reference the
safety requirements of the current function. (That is, an example that
combines unsafe fn with unsafe block.)