Re: [PATCH v5 14/14] admin-guide: media: Update documents for StarFive Camera Subsystem

From: Laurent Pinchart
Date: Mon Jul 22 2024 - 10:56:57 EST

Hi Changhuang,

Thank you for the patch.

On Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 01:38:24AM -0700, Changhuang Liang wrote:
> Add ISP output parameters and 3A statistisc collection data video
> device for documents.
> Signed-off-by: Changhuang Liang <changhuang.liang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> .../admin-guide/media/starfive_camss.rst | 11 +++++++---
> .../media/ | 22 +++++++++++--------
> 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/Documentation/admin-guide/media/starfive_camss.rst b/Documentation/admin-guide/media/starfive_camss.rst
> index ca42e9447c47..020f1969e67f 100644
> --- a/Documentation/admin-guide/media/starfive_camss.rst
> +++ b/Documentation/admin-guide/media/starfive_camss.rst
> @@ -58,15 +58,20 @@ The media controller pipeline graph is as follows:
> :alt:
> :align: center
> -The driver has 2 video devices:
> +The driver has 4 video devices:
> +- output_params: The meta output device, transmitting the parameters to ISP
> + module.
> - capture_raw: The capture device, capturing image data directly from a sensor.
> - capture_yuv: The capture device, capturing YUV frame data processed by the
> - ISP module
> + ISP module.
> +- capture_scd: The meta capture device, capturing 3A statistics collection data

Renaming "scd" to "stats" (here and through the whole series) would make
the code and documentation easier to understand for third parties, as
it's not immediately clear what "scd" means. I won't insist too much if
this would cause lots of issues.

> + processed by the ISP module.
> The driver has 3 subdevices:
> -- stf_isp: is responsible for all the isp operations, outputs YUV frames.
> +- stf_isp: is responsible for all the isp operations, outputs YUV frames
> + and 3A statistics collection data.
> - cdns_csi2rx: a CSI-2 bridge supporting up to 4 CSI lanes in input, and 4
> different pixel streams in output.
> - imx219: an image sensor, image data is sent through MIPI CSI-2.
> diff --git a/Documentation/admin-guide/media/ b/Documentation/admin-guide/media/
> index 8eff1f161ac7..7961255d3ad6 100644
> --- a/Documentation/admin-guide/media/
> +++ b/Documentation/admin-guide/media/
> @@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
> digraph board {
> rankdir=TB
> - n00000001 [label="{{<port0> 0} | stf_isp\n/dev/v4l-subdev0 | {<port1> 1}}", shape=Mrecord, style=filled, fillcolor=green]
> - n00000001:port1 -> n00000008 [style=dashed]
> - n00000004 [label="capture_raw\n/dev/video0", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=yellow]
> - n00000008 [label="capture_yuv\n/dev/video1", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=yellow]
> - n0000000e [label="{{<port0> 0} | cdns_csi2rx.19800000.csi-bridge\n | {<port1> 1 | <port2> 2 | <port3> 3 | <port4> 4}}", shape=Mrecord, style=filled, fillcolor=green]
> - n0000000e:port1 -> n00000001:port0 [style=dashed]
> - n0000000e:port1 -> n00000004 [style=dashed]
> - n00000018 [label="{{} | imx219 6-0010\n/dev/v4l-subdev1 | {<port0> 0}}", shape=Mrecord, style=filled, fillcolor=green]
> - n00000018:port0 -> n0000000e:port0 [style=bold]
> + n00000001 [label="{{<port0> 0 | <port1> 1} | stf_isp\n/dev/v4l-subdev0 | {<port2> 2 | <port3> 3}}", shape=Mrecord, style=filled, fillcolor=green]
> + n00000001:port2 -> n0000000e
> + n00000001:port3 -> n00000012 [style=dashed]
> + n00000006 [label="output_params\n/dev/video0", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=yellow]
> + n00000006 -> n00000001:port1 [style=dashed]
> + n0000000a [label="capture_raw\n/dev/video1", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=yellow]
> + n0000000e [label="capture_yuv\n/dev/video2", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=yellow]
> + n00000012 [label="capture_scd\n/dev/video3", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=yellow]
> + n0000001c [label="{{<port0> 0} | cdns_csi2rx.19800000.csi-bridge\n/dev/v4l-subdev1 | {<port1> 1 | <port2> 2 | <port3> 3 | <port4> 4}}", shape=Mrecord, style=filled, fillcolor=green]
> + n0000001c:port1 -> n00000001:port0 [style=dashed]
> + n0000001c:port1 -> n0000000a [style=dashed]
> + n00000026 [label="{{} | imx219 6-0010\n/dev/v4l-subdev2 | {<port0> 0}}", shape=Mrecord, style=filled, fillcolor=green]
> + n00000026:port0 -> n0000001c:port0 [style=bold]
> }


Laurent Pinchart