So why not just enable the per-inode flag with RT right from theWhat needs to be done to the rt allocator, anyway?
start given that this functionality is supposed to work and be
globally supported by the rtdev right now? It seems like a whole lot
less work to just enable it for RT now than it is to disable it...
I think it's mostly turning off the fallback to unaligned allocation,
just like what was done for the data device allocator, right? And
possibly tweaking whatever this does:
* Only bother calculating a real prod factor if offset & length are
* perfectly aligned, otherwise it will just get us in trouble.
div_u64_rem(ap->offset, align, &mod);
if (mod || ap->length % align) {
prod = 1;
} else {
prod = xfs_extlen_to_rtxlen(mp, align);
if (prod > 1)
xfs_rtalloc_align_minmax(&raminlen, &ralen, &prod);