Re: [RFC PATCH net-next 03/10] net: hibmcge: Add mdio and hardware configuration supported in this module

From: Jijie Shao
Date: Thu Aug 01 2024 - 05:05:46 EST

Thanks for reviewing

on 2024/8/1 8:42, Andrew Lunn wrote:
+int hbg_hw_adjust_link(struct hbg_priv *priv, u32 speed, u32 duplex)
+ if (speed != HBG_PORT_MODE_SGMII_10M &&
+ speed != HBG_PORT_MODE_SGMII_100M &&
+ speed != HBG_PORT_MODE_SGMII_1000M)
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ if (duplex != DUPLEX_FULL && duplex != DUPLEX_HALF)
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ if (speed == HBG_PORT_MODE_SGMII_1000M && duplex == DUPLEX_HALF)
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
If you tell phylib you don't support 1G/Half, this will not happen.

ok, I will delete it in V2

+/* sgmii autoneg always enable */
+int hbg_hw_sgmii_autoneg(struct hbg_priv *priv)
+ wait_time = 0;
+ do {
+ an_state.bits = hbg_reg_read(priv, HBG_REG_AN_NEG_STATE_ADDR);
+ if (an_state.an_done)
+ break;
+ } while (wait_time < HBG_HW_AUTONEG_TIMEOUT_MS);

Thanks for the guide. These macros will simplify the code.

+static const u32 hbg_mode_ability[] = {
+static int hbg_mac_init(struct hbg_priv *priv)
+ struct hbg_mac *mac = &priv->mac;
+ u32 i;
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(hbg_mode_ability); i++)
+ linkmode_set_bit(hbg_mode_ability[i], mac->supported);
Humm, odd. Where is this leading...

+#define HBG_MDIO_FREQUENCE_2_5M 0x1
I assume it supports other frequencies. You might want to implement
the DT property 'clock-frequency'. Many modern PHY will work faster
than 2.5Mhz.

it's a good idea,

+static int hbg_phy_connect(struct hbg_priv *priv)
+ struct phy_device *phydev = priv->mac.phydev;
+ struct hbg_mac *mac = &priv->mac;
+ int ret;
+ linkmode_copy(phydev->supported, mac->supported);
+ linkmode_copy(phydev->advertising, mac->supported);
And here it is. Why? Do you see any other MAC driver doing this?

What you probably want is:

phy_remove_link_mode(phydev, ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_100baseT_Half_BIT);

which is what other MAC drivers do.

Yeah, using phy_remove_link_mode, the hbg_mode_ability[] and linkmode_set_bit
of the previous code can be removed together.

Thank you.

+ phy_connect_direct(priv->netdev, mac->phydev, hbg_phy_adjust_link,
+ ret = devm_add_action_or_reset(&priv->pdev->dev,
+ hbg_phy_disconnect, mac->phydev);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ phy_attached_info(phydev);
+ return 0;
+/* include phy link and mac link */
+u32 hbg_get_link_status(struct hbg_priv *priv)
+ struct phy_device *phydev = priv->mac.phydev;
+ int ret;
+ if (!phydev)
+ return HBG_LINK_DOWN;
+ phy_read_status(phydev);
+ if ((phydev->state != PHY_UP && phydev->state != PHY_RUNNING) ||
+ !phydev->link)
+ return HBG_LINK_DOWN;
+ ret = hbg_hw_sgmii_autoneg(priv);
+ if (ret)
+ return HBG_LINK_DOWN;
+ return HBG_LINK_UP;
There should not be any need for this. So why do you have it?

I'll move this to another patch where it's more appropriate.


Thanks, Jijie