Re: [RFC 10/10] KVM: arm64: nv: Add new HDFGRTR2_GROUP & HDFGRTR2_GROUP based FGU handling
From: Anshuman Khandual
Date: Thu Aug 01 2024 - 06:47:25 EST
On 6/25/24 19:28, Marc Zyngier wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 10:03:29 +0100,
> Anshuman Khandual <anshuman.khandual@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> +#define __HDFGRTR2_EL2_nMASK ~(__HDFGRTR2_EL2_RES0 | __HDFGRTR2_EL2_MASK)
>>>>> Note the *nMASK* here. 'n' is for *negative*. Just look at how
>>>>> __HDFGRTR_EL2_MASK and __HDFGRTR_EL2_nMASK are written.
>>>> Still trying to understand what does these three masks represent
>>>> for a given FGT register XXXX
>>>> - __XXXX_RES0
>>> RES0 bits.
>>>> - __XXXX_MASK
>>> Positive trap bits.
>>>> - __XXXX_nMASK
>>> Negative trap bits.
>> Right, figured that eventually but these were not very clear at
>> first.
> I keep hearing I'm not clear. But at this stage, I don't know what to
> do to make it (or myself) clearer.
>>>> But from the mentioned example for HDFGRTR_EL2.
>>>> #define __HDFGRTR_EL2_RES0 HDFGRTR_EL2_RES0
>>>> #define __HDFGRTR_EL2_MASK (BIT(63) | GENMASK(58, 50) | GENMASK(48, 43) | \
>>>> GENMASK(41, 40) | GENMASK(37, 22) | \
>>>> GENMASK(19, 9) | GENMASK(7, 0))
>>>> Looking at HDFGRTR_EL2 definition inside arch/arm64/tools/sysreg
>>>> HDFGRTR_EL2_RES0 = BIT(49) | GENMASK(39, 38) | GENMASK(21, 20) | BIT(8)
>>>> is representing the entire mask in the register which are RES0. But then what
>>>> does __HDFGRTR_EL2_MASK signify ? Positive trap bits mask ?
>>>> The following bits belong in __HDFGRTR_EL2_MASK
>>>> Where as the following bits belong in __HDFGRTR_EL2_nMASK
>>>> Reworking proposed HDFGRTR2_EL2 and HDFGWTR2_EL2.
>>>> #define __HDFGRTR2_EL2_RES0 HDFGRTR2_EL2_RES0
>>>> #define __HDFGRTR2_EL2_MASK 0
>>>> #define __HDFGRTR2_EL2_nMASK ~(__HDFGRTR2_EL2_RES0 | __HDFGRTR2_EL2_MASK)
>>>> #define __HDFGWTR2_EL2_RES0 HDFGWTR2_EL2_RES0
>>>> #define __HDFGWTR2_EL2_MASK 0
>>>> #define __HDFGWTR2_EL2_nMASK ~(__HDFGWTR2_EL2_RES0 | __HDFGWTR2_EL2_MASK)
>>>> Please note that all trap bits in both these registers are negative ones
>>>> hence __HDFGRTR2_EL2_MASK/__HDFGWTR2_EL2_MASK should be 0.
>>> That's because you're looking at the XML, and not the ARM ARM this was
>>> written against.
>> Did not follow that. Both in ddi0601/2024-03 XML and ARM ARM DDI 0487K.a
>> there are no positive trap bits, either in HDFGRTR2_EL2 or HDFGWTR2_EL2.
>> OR did I miss something here.
>>From this very file:
> <quote>
> /*
> * FGT register definitions
> *
> * RES0 and polarity masks as of DDI0487J.a, to be updated as needed.
> * We're not using the generated masks as they are usually ahead of
> * the published ARM ARM, which we use as a reference.
> *
> * Once we get to a point where the two describe the same thing, we'll
> * merge the definitions. One day.
> */
> </quote>
> In case it wasn't written *CLEARLY* enough.
>> Sure, will add the following new registers in arch/arm64/tools/sysreg format
>> except for the ones that require a formula based enumeration. Those will be
>> added into arch/arm64/include/asm/sysreg.h directly e.g
>> +#define SYS_SPMEVCNTR_EL0(m) sys_reg(2, 3, 14, (0 | (m >> 3)), (m & 7))
>> +#define SYS_SPMEVTYPER_EL0(m) sys_reg(2, 3, 14, (2 | (m >> 3)), (m & 7))
>> +#define SYS_SPMEVFILTR_EL0(m) sys_reg(2, 3, 14, (4 | (m >> 3)), (m & 7))
>> +#define SYS_SPMEVFILT2R_EL0(m) sys_reg(2, 3, 14, (6 | (m >> 3)), (m & 7))
>> 9d93fc432f1a arm64/sysreg: Add remaining debug registers affected by HDFGxTR2_EL2
>> 56b8830f0a5e arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMCGCR1_EL1
>> ad674ae52178 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMCGCR0_EL1
>> 8538a282d208 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for PMZR_EL0
>> c88f0b8d898e arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for PMSSCR_EL1
>> 8788ad49b7b6 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMCFGR_EL1
>> 142de2bc3d7b arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMDEVARCH_EL1
>> 3d903ba35e8c arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMIIDR_EL1
>> 1a4db0b8b100 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for PMICNTSVR_EL1
>> 6bee8f139ba5 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMSELR_EL0
>> b208ab4cd54d arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMCNTENSET_EL0
>> 644abf522c8a arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMCNTENCLR_EL0
>> fad9b7751359 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMINTENSET_EL1
>> c28299b8df76 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMINTENCLR_EL1
>> b9c283b27980 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMOVSSET_EL0
>> 03dd01a26c46 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMOVSCLR_EL0
>> c8a2f1b688de arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMCR_EL0
>> 422ca4026aa7 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMACCESSR_EL1
>> d790b2570461 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMSCR_EL1
>> c2cdd0fecdcb arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for PMCCNTSVR_EL1
>> 3b793f3f07b8 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for PMUACR_EL1
>> a1804742ee8c arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for PMICFILTR_EL0
>> c88476b9c52c arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for PMICNTR_EL0
>> 6d1520f3477b arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for PMECR_EL1
>> 257ea3ec7950 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for PMIAR_EL1
>> a29f787102f0 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for SPMDEVAFF_EL1
>> 3b7c4d4cf0eb arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for PMSDSFR_EL1
>> 2a14e5dc1903 arm64/sysreg: Add register fields for TRBMPAM_EL1
> Have you done this by hand? Or have you used an automated generator
> that parses the XML? If it's the former, please do the latter and
> compare the results.
> [...]
>>>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm64/kvm/sys_regs.c b/arch/arm64/kvm/sys_regs.c
>>>>>> index f921af014d0c..8029f408855d 100644
>>>>>> --- a/arch/arm64/kvm/sys_regs.c
>>>>>> +++ b/arch/arm64/kvm/sys_regs.c
>>>>>> @@ -4110,6 +4110,51 @@ void kvm_init_sysreg(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
>>>>>> kvm->arch.fgu[HAFGRTR_GROUP] |= ~(HAFGRTR_EL2_RES0 |
>>>>>> HAFGRTR_EL2_RES1);
>>>>>> + /* FEAT_TRBE_MPAM is not exposed to the guest */
>>>>>> + kvm->arch.fgu[HDFGRTR2_GROUP] |= ~(HDFGRTR2_EL2_nTRBMPAM_EL1);
>>>>> Same thing about dynamic configuration.
>>>>> But more importantly, you are disabling anything *but* MPAM. Does it
>>>>> seem right to you?
>>>> Did not get that, should the inverse ~ be dropped here and also for all
>>>> other negative trap bits across the register ?
>>> Look at the way FGU works. A bit set to 1 means that if we have
>>> trapped because of this bit (as per the FGT table), we inject an
>>> UNDEF.
>> Seems like positive and negative trap bits do not make any difference
>> here, while setting respective bits in kvm->arch.fgu[HDFGRTR2_GROUP].
>> In this case the inverse should be dropped for all bits.
> Yup, that's what "A bit set to 1" means here. We don't need to follow
> the convolutions of the HW here.
>> Should the lone trap bit (nPMZR_EL0) which is present in HDFGWTR2_EL2
>> but not in HDFGRTR2_EL2, be set in kvm->arch.fgu[HDFGWTR2_GROUP] as
>> well ?
>> if (!kvm_has_feat(kvm, ID_AA64DFR0_EL1, PMUVer, V3P9)) {
>> kvm->arch.fgu[HDFGRTR2_GROUP] |= HDFGRTR2_EL2_nPMUACR_EL1;
>> kvm->arch.fgu[HDFGWTR2_GROUP] |= HDFGWTR2_EL2_nPMZR_EL0;
>> }
> Possibly. At the time this code was written, ARMv8.9 wasn't in the ARM
> ARM.
Hello Marc,
As you had suggested to avoid posting the entire series (which now consists
of around ~30 patches just for all required sysregs update) to get the core
part of FGT2 reviewed, please find the updated last patch here. I will post
the entire series once there is some agreement on this patch. Thank you.
Changes from RFC V1:
- Updated positive and negative masks for HDFGRTR2_EL2 and HDFGWTR2_EL2
- Both register's positive masks are 0 (all bits are nFormat)
- Both register's negative masks are all bits but the RES0 ones
- Please note that sysreg field definitions for both registers
were added into tools are from 2024-06 XML not ARM DDI 0487K.a
- Even if ARM DDI 0487K.a gets used instead of the above XML,
there are no positive mask bits, only RES0 mask will expand.
- Only nPMZR_EL0 gets added for HDFGWTR2_EL2 in encoding_to_fgt()
- Follows the same pattern as in HDFGWTR_EL2/HDFGWTR_EL2
- All other entries are for HDFGRTR2_EL2
- Used indirect features check for FEAT_TRBE_MPAM and FEAT_SPE_FDS
- Updated kvm_init_nv_sysregs() as required
- Updated kvm_calculate_traps() as required
- Anshuman