Re: [PATCH v3 06/10] rust: list: add List

From: Benno Lossin
Date: Thu Aug 01 2024 - 06:48:47 EST

On 01.08.24 11:40, Alice Ryhl wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 11:11 AM Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 23.07.24 10:22, Alice Ryhl wrote:
>>> + /// Add the provided item to the back of the list.
>>> + pub fn push_back(&mut self, item: ListArc<T, ID>) {
>>> + let raw_item = ListArc::into_raw(item);
>>> + // SAFETY:
>>> + // * We just got `raw_item` from a `ListArc`, so it's in an `Arc`.
>>> + // * If this requirement is violated, then the previous caller of `prepare_to_insert`
>>> + // violated the safety requirement that they can't give up ownership of the `ListArc`
>>> + // until they call `post_remove`.
>> I don't like this negative phrasing, what about "Since we have ownership
>> of the `ListArc`, `post_remove` must have been called after each
>> previous call to `prepare_to_insert`."?
> I think we just need to argue about the most recent call to
> prepare_to_insert but ok.

I would argue that's exactly what my version does. Maybe "Since we have
ownership of the `ListArc`, the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert`
must have had a matching `post_remove` call afterwards."
But I liked the above version more.

>>> + // * We own the `ListArc`.
>>> + // * Removing items from this list is always done using `remove_internal_inner`, which
>>> + // calls `post_remove` before giving up ownership.
>>> + let list_links = unsafe { T::prepare_to_insert(raw_item) };
>>> + // SAFETY: We have not yet called `post_remove`, so `list_links` is still valid.
>>> + let item = unsafe { ListLinks::fields(list_links) };
>>> +
>>> + if self.first.is_null() {
>>> + self.first = item;
>>> + // SAFETY: The caller just gave us ownership of these fields.
>>> + // INVARIANT: A linked list with one item should be cyclic.
>>> + unsafe {
>>> + (*item).next = item;
>>> + (*item).prev = item;
>>> + }
>>> + } else {
>>> + let next = self.first;
>>> + // SAFETY: By the type invariant, this pointer is valid or null. We just checked that
>>> + // it's not null, so it must be valid.
>>> + let prev = unsafe { (*next).prev };
>>> + // SAFETY: Pointers in a linked list are never dangling, and the caller just gave us
>>> + // ownership of the fields on `item`.
>>> + // INVARIANT: This correctly inserts `item` between `prev` and `next`.
>>> + unsafe {
>>> + (*item).next = next;
>>> + (*item).prev = prev;
>>> + (*prev).next = item;
>>> + (*next).prev = item;
>>> + }
>> You have this pattern several times, maybe make a function for this?
> It's just two times. I think it's fine.

Sure, it seemed more in my mind.

>>> + if !next.is_null() {
>>> + // This is really a no-op, but this ensures that `item` is a raw pointer that was
>>> + // obtained without going through a pointer->reference->pointer conversion rountrip.
>>> + // This ensures that the list is valid under the more restrictive strict provenance
>>> + // ruleset.
>>> + //
>>> + // SAFETY: We just checked that `next` is not null, and it's not dangling by the
>>> + // list invariants.
>>> + unsafe {
>>> + debug_assert_eq!(item, (*next).prev);
>>> + item = (*next).prev;
>>> + }
>> How bad do you reckon is this for performance?
> I don't think it's a problem at all.

Sounds good.
