Re: [PATCH 09/13] media: qcom: camss: Add CSID Gen3 support for SM8550

From: Bryan O'Donoghue
Date: Thu Aug 01 2024 - 07:14:21 EST

On 01/08/2024 11:59, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
for preference every single patch applies and builds warning free.

Oops mistyped

- Every patch must apply cleanly
- You could make an argument for some specific cases that
a patch can generate a warning provided
- By the end of your set everything must be warning free

In this case though, I don't believe you need to make that case since, the problem you describe about probe() isn't a problem at all as you have no upstream dts that can drive the probe() at this point.

Just do the dts at the end and no problem.
