Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] dmaengine: dw-edma: Do not enable watermark interrupts for HDMA

From: Serge Semin
Date: Thu Aug 01 2024 - 20:36:15 EST

On Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 06:49:32PM +0530, Mrinmay Sarkar wrote:
> DW_HDMA_V0_LIE and DW_HDMA_V0_RIE are initialized as BIT(3) and BIT(4)
> respectively in dw_hdma_control enum. But as per HDMA register these
> bits are corresponds to LWIE and RWIE bit i.e local watermark interrupt
> enable and remote watermarek interrupt enable. In linked list mode LWIE
> and RWIE bits only enable the local and remote watermark interrupt.
> Since the watermark interrupts are not used but enabled, this leads to
> spurious interrupts getting generated. So remove the code that enables
> them to avoid generating spurious watermark interrupts.
> And also rename DW_HDMA_V0_LIE to DW_HDMA_V0_LWIE and DW_HDMA_V0_RIE to
> DW_HDMA_V0_RWIE as there is no LIE and RIE bits in HDMA and those bits
> are corresponds to LWIE and RWIE bits.
> Fixes: e74c39573d35 ("dmaengine: dw-edma: Add support for native HDMA")
> cc: stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Signed-off-by: Mrinmay Sarkar <quic_msarkar@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> drivers/dma/dw-edma/dw-hdma-v0-core.c | 17 +++--------------
> 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/dma/dw-edma/dw-hdma-v0-core.c b/drivers/dma/dw-edma/dw-hdma-v0-core.c
> index fa89b3a..9ad2e28 100644
> --- a/drivers/dma/dw-edma/dw-hdma-v0-core.c
> +++ b/drivers/dma/dw-edma/dw-hdma-v0-core.c
> @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ enum dw_hdma_control {
> DW_HDMA_V0_CB = BIT(0),
> DW_HDMA_V0_TCB = BIT(1),
> DW_HDMA_V0_LLP = BIT(2),
> - DW_HDMA_V0_LIE = BIT(3),
> - DW_HDMA_V0_RIE = BIT(4),
> + DW_HDMA_V0_LWIE = BIT(3),
> + DW_HDMA_V0_RWIE = BIT(4),
> DW_HDMA_V0_CCS = BIT(8),
> DW_HDMA_V0_LLE = BIT(9),
> };
> @@ -195,25 +195,14 @@ static void dw_hdma_v0_write_ll_link(struct dw_edma_chunk *chunk,
> static void dw_hdma_v0_core_write_chunk(struct dw_edma_chunk *chunk)
> {
> struct dw_edma_burst *child;
> - struct dw_edma_chan *chan = chunk->chan;
> u32 control = 0, i = 0;
> - int j;
> if (chunk->cb)
> control = DW_HDMA_V0_CB;
> - j = chunk->bursts_alloc;
> - list_for_each_entry(child, &chunk->burst->list, list) {
> - j--;
> - if (!j) {
> - control |= DW_HDMA_V0_LIE;
> - if (!(chan->dw->chip->flags & DW_EDMA_CHIP_LOCAL))
> - control |= DW_HDMA_V0_RIE;
> - }
> -
> + list_for_each_entry(child, &chunk->burst->list, list)
> dw_hdma_v0_write_ll_data(chunk, i++, control, child->sz,
> child->sar, child->dar);
> - }

Hm, in case of DW EDMA the LIE/RIE flags of the LL entries gets to be
moved to the LIE/RIE flags of the channel context register by the
DMA-engine. In its turn the context register LIE/RIE flags determine
whether the Local and Remote Done/Abort IRQs being raised. So without
the LIE/RIE flags being set in the LL-entries the IRQs won't be raised
and the whole procedure won't work. I have doubts it works differently
in case of HDMA because changing the semantics would cause
implementing additional logic in the DW HDMA RTL-model. Seeing the DW
HDMA IP-core supports the eDMA compatibility mode it would needlessly
expand the controller size. What are the rest of the CONTROL1 register
fields? There must be LIE/RIE flags someplace there for the non-LL
transfers and to preserve the values retrieved from the LL-entries.

Moreover the DW eDMA HW manual has a dedicated chapter called
"Interrupts and Error Handling" with a very demonstrative figures
describing the way the flags work. Does the DW HDMA databook have
something like that?

Please also note, the DW _EDMA_ LIE and RIE flags can be also utilized
for the intermediate IRQ raising, to implement the runtime LL-entries
recycling pattern. The IRQ in that case is called as "watermark" IRQ
in the DW EDMA HW databook, but the flags are still called as just


> control = DW_HDMA_V0_LLP | DW_HDMA_V0_TCB;
> if (!chunk->cb)
> --
> 2.7.4