Re: [PATCH v30/2] nvmet: use unbound_wq for RDMA and TCP by default

From: Sagi Grimberg
Date: Sun Aug 04 2024 - 02:53:25 EST

On 02/08/2024 6:39, Ping Gan wrote:
On 31/07/2024 10:03, Ping Gan wrote:
On 26/07/2024 5:34, Ping Gan wrote:
On 19/07/2024 12:19, Ping Gan wrote:
When running nvmf on SMP platform, current nvme target's RDMA and
TCP use bounded workqueue to handle IO, but when there is other
workload on the system(eg: kubernetes), the competition between
bounded kworker and other workload is very radical. To decrease
resource race of OS among them, this patchset will switch to
workqueue for nvmet-rdma and nvmet-tcp; besides that, it can also
get some performance improvement. And this patchset bases on
discussion from below session.
Hold your horses.

This cannot be just switched without a thorough testing and actual
justification/proof of
a benefit beyond just a narrow use-case brought initially by Ping

If the ask is to universally use an unbound workqueue, please
benchmarking convincing us that this makes sense.
So you think we should not do a radical change for the narrow
keep the parameter to enable it in previous version patch, right?
What I'm saying is that if you want to change the default, please
justification in the form of benchmarks that support the change.
benchmarks should include both throughput, iops and latency
and without the cpu-set constraints you presented originally.
We tested it on our testbed which has 4 numa 96 cores, 190GB memory
and 24 nvme disks, it seems unbound_wq has pretty improvment. The
creating target test script is below:

if [ "$#" -ne 3 ] ; then
echo "$0 addr_trtype(tcp/rdma) target_IP target_port"
exit -1
# there are 24 nvme disks on the testbed
disk_list=(nvme0n1 nvme1n1 nvme2n1 nvme3n1 nvme4n1 nvme5n1 nvme6n1
nvme7n1 nvme8n1 nvme9n1 nvme10n1 nvme11n1 nvme12n1 nvme13n1 nvme14n1
nvme15n1 nvme16n1 nvme17n1 nvme18n1 nvme19n1 nvme20n1 nvme21n1
# create target with multiple disks
create_target_multi_disks() {
local nqn_name=$1
local svr_ip=$2
local svr_port=$3
local i
local blk_dev
local blk_dev_idx=0
local port_idx=25
echo "create target: $nqn_name $svr_ip $svr_port"
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/nvmet/subsystems/${nqn_name}
echo 1
for((i=0;i<${#disk_list[@]};i++)); do
echo ${blk_dev} >
echo 1 >
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/nvmet/ports/${port_idx}
echo ${addr_trtype}
echo ipv4
echo ${svr_ip}
echo ${svr_port}
ln -s /sys/kernel/config/nvmet/subsystems/${nqn_name}/
nvmetcli clear
mkdir /sys/kernel/config/nvmet/hosts/hostnqn
create_target_multi_disks ${nqn_name} ${target_IP} ${target_port}

And the simulation of high workload program is below:

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sched.h>
#define THREAD_NUM (85)
#define MALLOC_SIZE (104857600)
void *loopcostcpu(void *args)
int *core_id = (int *)args;
cpu_set_t cpuset;
CPU_SET(*core_id, &cpuset);
sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpuset), &cpuset);
long *pt = malloc(MALLOC_SIZE*sizeof(long));
if (!pt) {
printf("error malloc\n");
long i = 0;
while (1) {
for (i = 0; i < MALLOC_SIZE; i++) {
pt[i] = i;
//sleep 10ms
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_t tid[THREAD_NUM];
int core_id[THREAD_NUM];
int result, i, j = 1;
for (i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM; i++) {
core_id[i] = j;
result = pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, loopcostcpu,
if (result) {
printf("create thread %d failure\n", i);
return 0;

When running above program on target testbed, and we reserved 8
cores(88-95) for nvmet target io threads(both rdma and tcp), then we
used spdk perf(V20.04) as initiator to create 8 IO queues and per
queue has 32 queue depths and 1M randrw io size on another testbed
to verify it.
TCP's test command shown below:
./spdk_perf_tcp -q 32 -S -P 8 -s 4096 -w randrw -t 300 -c 0xff00000
1048576 -M 50 -r 'trtype:TCP adrfam:IPv4 traddr:
RDMA's test command shown below:
./spkd_perf_rdma -q 32 -S -P 8 -s 4096 -w randrw -t 300 -c 0xff00000
1048576 -M 50 -r 'trtype:RDMA adrfam:IPv4 traddr:
And we got below test results:
TCP's unbound_wq: IOPS:4585.64, BW:4585.64 MiB/s, Avglat:167515.56us
TCP's bound_wq: IOPS:3588.40, BW:3588.40 MiB/s, Avglat:214088.55us
RDMA's unbound_wq: IOPS:6421.47, BW:6421.47 MiB/s, Avglat:119605.17us
RDMA's bound_wq: IOPS:5919.94, BW:5919.94 MiB/s, Avglat:129744.70us

It seems using unbound_wq to decreasing competition of CPU between
target IO worker thread and other high workload does make sense.
It makes sense for the use case, I agree. What I was asking is to test
outside this use-case, where nvmet is used as a JBOF, and not
with other intensive workloads. Does unbound workqueues damage
Back in 2016 it absolutely did.

What I would also want to see is a test that addresses latency
workloads, such
that the load is not high with large block size, but rather small
size, with medium/low
load and see what is the latency for the two options.
We had done two group tests for unbound_wq and bound_wq; per group had
6 round tests which included TCP 1M IO size without other workload,
TCP 4K IO size without other workload, TCP 4K IO size with medium
workload(about 45% CPU cost and 25% memory cost), RDMA 1M IO size
without other workload, RDMA 4K IO size without other workload,
RDMA 4K IO size with medium workload. And every round test we used
8 IO queues, per queue had 32 queue depths and no CPU affinity with
randrw disk to run 1 hour test and we got below results.

TCP 1M bound_wq: IOPS:8120.38, BW:8120.38 MiB/s, Avglat:94577.77us
TCP 1M unbound_wq: IOPS:8236.16, BW:8236.16 MiB/s, Avglat:93248.18us

TCP 4K bound_wq: IOPS:1326767.00, BW:5182.68 MiB/s, Avglat:578.83us
TCP 4K unbound_wq: IOPS:952239.52, BW:3719.69 MiB/s, Avglat:806.49us

TCP 4K with medium workload bound_wq:
IOPS:944414.21, BW:3689.12 MiB/s, Avglat:813.18us
TCP 4K with medium workload unbound_wq:
IOPS:855103.18, BW:3340.25 MiB/s, Avglat:898.11us

RDMA 1M bound_wq: IOPS:10111.35, BW:10111.35 MiB/s, Avglat:75954.55us
RDMA 1M unbound_wq:IOPS:10108.84, BW:10108.84 MiB/s, Avglat:75973.39us

RDMA 4K bound_wq: IOPS:2645207.01, BW:10332.84 MiB/s, Avglat:290.31us
RDMA 4K unbound_wq:IOPS:2644785.78, BW:10331.19 MiB/s, Avglat:290.35us

RDMA 4K with medium workload bound_wq:
IOPS:2595758.58, BW:10139.68 MiB/s, Avglat:295.84us
RDMA 4K with medium workload unbound_wq:
IOPS:2551177.45, BW:9965.54 MiB/s, Avglat:301.01us

It seems in TCP small block size case the unbound_wq has tremendous
performance drop.

That is consistent with what I saw back in 2016.

So I think we should not radically change the default
workqueue as unbounded but keep the previous patch with parameter to
support the narrow case for performance improvement.

Interestingly though, rdma does not seem to have the same characteristics, although
I do expect that in *some* workloads the overhead is meaningful.

My position is that this change should be presented as a modparam. In the long run, I'd think
we want to introduce polling threads to nvmet and move the scheduling to it, but it is a larger project,
and when when that happens, I'd rather deprecate the modparam instead of introducing this change
that impacts performance in any meaningful way.