Re: [PATCH v8 6/6] rust: rbtree: add `RBTree::entry`
From: Benno Lossin
Date: Mon Aug 05 2024 - 16:03:20 EST
On 27.07.24 22:30, Matt Gilbride wrote:
> From: Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@xxxxxxxxxx>
> This mirrors the entry API [1] from the Rust standard library on
> `RBTree`. This API can be used to access the entry at a specific key and
> make modifications depending on whether the key is vacant or occupied.
> This API is useful because it can often be used to avoid traversing the
> tree multiple times.
> This is used by binder to look up and conditionally access or insert a
> value, depending on whether it is there or not [2].
> Link: [1]
> Link: [2]
> Signed-off-by: Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Tested-by: Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Matt Gilbride <mattgilbride@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> rust/kernel/ | 302 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
> 1 file changed, 227 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/
> index 5d37aa373685..428f8be8f3a2 100644
> --- a/rust/kernel/
> +++ b/rust/kernel/
> @@ -295,12 +295,19 @@ pub fn try_create_and_insert(
> /// key/value pair). Returns [`None`] if a node with the same key didn't already exist.
> ///
> /// This function always succeeds.
> - pub fn insert(&mut self, RBTreeNode { node }: RBTreeNode<K, V>) -> Option<RBTreeNode<K, V>> {
> - let node = Box::into_raw(node);
> - // SAFETY: `node` is valid at least until we call `Box::from_raw`, which only happens when
> - // the node is removed or replaced.
> - let node_links = unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*node).links) };
> + pub fn insert(&mut self, node: RBTreeNode<K, V>) -> Option<RBTreeNode<K, V>> {
> + match self.raw_entry(&node.node.key) {
> + RawEntry::Occupied(entry) => Some(entry.replace(node)),
> + RawEntry::Vacant(entry) => {
> + entry.insert(node);
> + None
> + }
> + }
> + }
> + fn raw_entry(&mut self, key: &K) -> RawEntry<'_, K, V> {
> + let raw_self: *mut RBTree<K, V> = self;
> + // The returned `RawEntry` is used to call either `rb_link_node` or `rb_replace_node`.
> // The parameters of `rb_link_node` are as follows:
> // - `node`: A pointer to an uninitialized node being inserted.
> // - `parent`: A pointer to an existing node in the tree. One of its child pointers must be
> @@ -319,62 +326,56 @@ pub fn insert(&mut self, RBTreeNode { node }: RBTreeNode<K, V>) -> Option<RBTree
> // in the subtree of `parent` that `child_field_of_parent` points at. Once
> // we find an empty subtree, we can insert the new node using `rb_link_node`.
> let mut parent = core::ptr::null_mut();
> - let mut child_field_of_parent: &mut *mut bindings::rb_node = &mut self.root.rb_node;
> - while !child_field_of_parent.is_null() {
> - parent = *child_field_of_parent;
> + let mut child_field_of_parent: &mut *mut bindings::rb_node =
> + // SAFETY: `raw_self` is a valid pointer to the `RBTree` (created from `self` above).
> + unsafe { &mut (*raw_self).root.rb_node };
> + while !(*child_field_of_parent).is_null() {
Why do you manually dereference `child_field_of_parent` here?
> + let curr = *child_field_of_parent;
> + // SAFETY: All links fields we create are in a `Node<K, V>`.
I think the SAFETY comment from below that argues via the type invariant
of `Self` is better.
> + let node = unsafe { container_of!(curr, Node<K, V>, links) };
> - // We need to determine whether `node` should be the left or right child of `parent`,
> - // so we will compare with the `key` field of `parent` a.k.a. `this` below.
> - //
> - // SAFETY: By the type invariant of `Self`, all non-null `rb_node` pointers stored in `self`
> - // point to the links field of `Node<K, V>` objects.
> - let this = unsafe { container_of!(parent, Node<K, V>, links) };
> -
> - // SAFETY: `this` is a non-null node so it is valid by the type invariants. `node` is
> - // valid until the node is removed.
> - match unsafe { (*node).key.cmp(&(*this).key) } {
> - // We would like `node` to be the left child of `parent`. Move to this child to check
> - // whether we can use it, or continue searching, at the next iteration.
> - //
> - // SAFETY: `parent` is a non-null node so it is valid by the type invariants.
> - Ordering::Less => child_field_of_parent = unsafe { &mut (*parent).rb_left },
> - // We would like `node` to be the right child of `parent`. Move to this child to check
> - // whether we can use it, or continue searching, at the next iteration.
> - //
> - // SAFETY: `parent` is a non-null node so it is valid by the type invariants.
> - Ordering::Greater => child_field_of_parent = unsafe { &mut (*parent).rb_right },
> + // SAFETY: `node` is a non-null node so it is valid by the type invariants.
> + match key.cmp(unsafe { &(*node).key }) {
> + // SAFETY: `curr` is a non-null node so it is valid by the type invariants.
> + Ordering::Less => child_field_of_parent = unsafe { &mut (*curr).rb_left },
> + // SAFETY: `curr` is a non-null node so it is valid by the type invariants.
> + Ordering::Greater => child_field_of_parent = unsafe { &mut (*curr).rb_right },
> Ordering::Equal => {
> - // There is an existing node in the tree with this key, and that node is
> - // parent. Thus, we are replacing parent with a new node.
> - //
> - // INVARIANT: We are replacing an existing node with a new one, which is valid.
> - // It remains valid because we "forgot" it with `Box::into_raw`.
> - // SAFETY: All pointers are non-null and valid.
> - unsafe { bindings::rb_replace_node(parent, node_links, &mut self.root) };
> -
> - // INVARIANT: The node is being returned and the caller may free it, however,
> - // it was removed from the tree. So the invariants still hold.
> - return Some(RBTreeNode {
> - // SAFETY: `this` was a node in the tree, so it is valid.
> - node: unsafe { Box::from_raw(this.cast_mut()) },
> - });
> + return RawEntry::Occupied(OccupiedEntry {
> + rbtree: self,
> + node_links: curr,
> + })
> }
> }
> + parent = curr;
> }
> - // INVARIANT: We are linking in a new node, which is valid. It remains valid because we
> - // "forgot" it with `Box::into_raw`.
> - // SAFETY: All pointers are non-null and valid (`*child_field_of_parent` is null, but `child_field_of_parent` is a
> - // mutable reference).
> - unsafe { bindings::rb_link_node(node_links, parent, child_field_of_parent) };
> + RawEntry::Vacant(RawVacantEntry {
RawVacantEntry has Invariants, so missing INVARIANT comment.
> + rbtree: raw_self,
> + parent,
> + child_field_of_parent,
> + _phantom: PhantomData,
> + })
> + }
> +/// A view into a vacant entry in a [`RBTree`]. It is part of the [`Entry`] enum.
> +pub struct VacantEntry<'a, K, V> {
> + key: K,
> + raw: RawVacantEntry<'a, K, V>,
> +}
> +
> +/// Like [`VacantEntry`], but doesn't hold on to the key.a
Typo: trailing 'a'.
> +///
> +/// # Invariants
> +/// - `parent` may be null if the new node becomes the root.
> +/// - `child_field_of_parent` is a valid pointer to the left-child or right-child of `parent`. If `parent` is
> +/// null, it is a pointer to the root of the [`RBTree`].
> +struct RawVacantEntry<'a, K, V> {
> + rbtree: *mut RBTree<K, V>,
> + /// The node that will become the parent of the new node if we insert one.
> + parent: *mut bindings::rb_node,
> + /// This points to the left-child or right-child field of `parent`, or `root` if `parent` is
> + /// null.
> + child_field_of_parent: *mut *mut bindings::rb_node,
> + _phantom: PhantomData<&'a mut RBTree<K, V>>,
> +}
> +
> +impl<'a, K, V> RawVacantEntry<'a, K, V> {
> + /// Inserts the given node into the [`RBTree`] at this entry.
> + ///
> + /// The `node` must have a key such that inserting it here does not break the ordering of this
> + /// [`RBTree`].
> + fn insert(self, node: RBTreeNode<K, V>) -> &'a mut V {
> + let node = Box::into_raw(node.node);
> +
> + // SAFETY: `node` is valid at least until we call `Box::from_raw`, which only happens when
> + // the node is removed or replaced.
> + let node_links = unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*node).links) };
> +
> + // INVARIANT: We are linking in a new node, which is valid. It remains valid because we
> + // "forgot" it with `Box::into_raw`.
> + // SAFETY: The type invariants of `RawVacantEntry` are exactly the safety requirements of `rb_link_node`.
> + unsafe { bindings::rb_link_node(node_links, self.parent, self.child_field_of_parent) };
> +
> + // SAFETY: All pointers are valid. `node` has just been inserted into the tree.
> + unsafe { bindings::rb_insert_color(node_links, addr_of_mut!((*self.rbtree).root)) };
> +
> + // SAFETY: The node is valid until we remove it from the tree.
> + unsafe { &mut (*node).value }
> + }
> +}
> +
> +impl<'a, K, V> VacantEntry<'a, K, V> {
> + /// Inserts the given node into the [`RBTree`] at this entry.
> + pub fn insert(self, value: V, reservation: RBTreeNodeReservation<K, V>) -> &'a mut V {
> + self.raw.insert(reservation.into_node(self.key, value))
> + }
> +}
> +
> +/// A view into an occupied entry in a [`RBTree`]. It is part of the [`Entry`] enum.
> +///
> +/// # Invariants
> +/// - `node_links` is a valid, non-null pointer to a tree node in `self.rbtree`
> +pub struct OccupiedEntry<'a, K, V> {
> + rbtree: &'a mut RBTree<K, V>,
> + /// The node that this entry corresponds to.
> + node_links: *mut bindings::rb_node,
> +}
> +
> +impl<'a, K, V> OccupiedEntry<'a, K, V> {
> + fn node_ptr(&self) -> *mut Node<K, V> {
> + // SAFETY: By the type invariant of `Self`, all `node_links` pointers stored in `self`
> + // point to the links field of `Node<K, V>` objects.
> + unsafe { container_of!(self.node_links, Node<K, V>, links) }.cast_mut()
You should not call `cast_mut` here, see below
> + }
> +
> + /// Gets a reference to the value in the entry.
> + pub fn get(&self) -> &V {
> + // SAFETY: `self.node_ptr` produces a valid pointer to a node in the tree.
Can you add a `# Guarantees` section to `node_ptr` that states exactly
> + unsafe { &(*self.node_ptr()).value }
> + }
> +
> + /// Gets a mutable reference to the value in the entry.
> + pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut V {
> + // SAFETY: `self.node_ptr` produces a valid pointer to a node in the tree.
> + unsafe { &mut (*self.node_ptr()).value }
This is sadly UB, you are creating a `&mut` reference from a pointer
that was derived from a `&` reference:
- `node_ptr` takes `&self`, thus it converts the `&mut self` to that.
- `container_of!` inside of `node_ptr` is used to create a read-only
pointer to the `links` field (it is casted to `*mut`, but that doesn't
change the fact that you are only allowed to use it for reads)
- `get_mut` turns it again into a `&mut` reference.
One solution is to make `note_ptr` take a `*mut Self`/`*const Self`.
> + }
> +
> + /// Converts the entry into a mutable reference to its value.
> + ///
> + /// If you need multiple references to the `OccupiedEntry`, see [`self#get_mut`].
> + pub fn into_mut(self) -> &'a mut V {
> + // SAFETY: `self.node_ptr` produces a valid pointer to a node in the tree.
> + unsafe { &mut (*self.node_ptr()).value }
> + }
> +
> + /// Remove this entry from the [`RBTree`].
> + pub fn remove_node(self) -> RBTreeNode<K, V> {
> + // SAFETY: The node is a node in the tree, so it is valid.
> + unsafe { bindings::rb_erase(self.node_links, &mut self.rbtree.root) };
> +
> + // INVARIANT: The node is being returned and the caller may free it, however, it was
> + // removed from the tree. So the invariants still hold.
> + RBTreeNode {
> + // SAFETY: The node was a node in the tree, but we removed it, so we can convert it
> + // back into a box.
> + node: unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.node_ptr()) },
> + }
> + }
> +
> + /// Takes the value of the entry out of the map, and returns it.
> + pub fn remove(self) -> V {
> + self.remove_node().node.value
> + }
> +
> + /// Swap the current node for the provided node.
> + ///
> + /// The key of both nodes must be equal.
Is this a safety requirement? Ie if it is violated, can memory bugs
occur, or is it only going to lead to logic bugs?
> + fn replace(self, node: RBTreeNode<K, V>) -> RBTreeNode<K, V> {
> + let node = Box::into_raw(node.node);
> +
> + // SAFETY: `node` is valid at least until we call `Box::from_raw`, which only happens when
> + // the node is removed or replaced.
> + let new_node_links = unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*node).links) };
> +
> + // SAFETY: This updates the pointers so that `new_node_links` is in the tree where
> + // `self.node_links` used to be.
> + unsafe {
> + bindings::rb_replace_node(self.node_links, new_node_links, &mut self.rbtree.root)
> + };
> +
> + // SAFETY:
> + // - `self.node_ptr` produces a valid pointer to a node in the tree.
> + // - Now that we removed this entry from the tree, we can convert the node to a box.
> + let old_node = unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.node_ptr()) };
> +
> + RBTreeNode { node: old_node }
> + }
> +}
> +
> struct Node<K, V> {
> links: bindings::rb_node,
> key: K,
> --
> 2.46.0.rc1.232.g9752f9e123-goog