[PATCH] clk: ralink: mtmips: fix clock plan for Ralink SoC RT3883

From: Sergio Paracuellos
Date: Tue Aug 06 2024 - 10:29:31 EST

Clock plan for Ralink SoC RT3883 needs an extra 'periph' clock to properly
set some peripherals that has this clock as their parent. When this driver
was mainlined we could not find any active users of this SoC so we cannot
perform any real tests for it. Now, one user of a Belkin f9k1109 version 1
device which uses this SoC appear and reported some issues in openWRT:
- https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/issues/16054
The peripherals that are wrong are 'uart', 'i2c', 'i2s' and 'uartlite' which
has a not defined 'periph' clock as parent. Hence, introduce it to have a
properly working clock plan for this SoC.

Fixes: 6f3b15586eef ("clk: ralink: add clock and reset driver for MTMIPS SoCs")
Signed-off-by: Sergio Paracuellos <sergio.paracuellos@xxxxxxxxx>
drivers/clk/ralink/clk-mtmips.c | 9 +++++++--
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/clk/ralink/clk-mtmips.c b/drivers/clk/ralink/clk-mtmips.c
index 50a443bf79ec..787ff3e66b34 100644
--- a/drivers/clk/ralink/clk-mtmips.c
+++ b/drivers/clk/ralink/clk-mtmips.c
@@ -267,6 +267,11 @@ static struct mtmips_clk_fixed rt305x_fixed_clocks[] = {
CLK_FIXED("xtal", NULL, 40000000)

+static struct mtmips_clk_fixed rt3383_fixed_clocks[] = {
+ CLK_FIXED("xtal", NULL, 40000000),
+ CLK_FIXED("periph", "xtal", 40000000)
static struct mtmips_clk_fixed rt3352_fixed_clocks[] = {
CLK_FIXED("periph", "xtal", 40000000)
@@ -779,8 +784,8 @@ static const struct mtmips_clk_data rt3352_clk_data = {
static const struct mtmips_clk_data rt3883_clk_data = {
.clk_base = rt3883_clks_base,
.num_clk_base = ARRAY_SIZE(rt3883_clks_base),
- .clk_fixed = rt305x_fixed_clocks,
- .num_clk_fixed = ARRAY_SIZE(rt305x_fixed_clocks),
+ .clk_fixed = rt3383_fixed_clocks,
+ .num_clk_fixed = ARRAY_SIZE(rt3383_fixed_clocks),
.clk_factor = NULL,
.num_clk_factor = 0,
.clk_periph = rt5350_pherip_clks,